Source code for stride.utils.wavelets

import numpy as np
import scipy.signal

[docs] def tone_burst(centre_freq, n_cycles, n_samples, dt, envelope='gaussian', offset=0): """ Generate a tone burst wavelet. Parameters ---------- centre_freq : float Centre frequency of the signal. n_cycles : float Number of cycles for the signal. n_samples : int Length of the wavelet. dt : float Discretisation step for the time axis. envelope : str, optional Type of envelope to be applied to the signal, ``gaussian`` (default) or ``rectangular``. offset : int, optional Offset in timesteps to the start of the wavelet, defaults to 0. Returns ------- 1-dimensional array Generated wavelet. """ tone_length = n_cycles / centre_freq time_array = np.linspace(0, tone_length, int(tone_length//dt + 1), endpoint=False) signal = np.sin(2 * np.pi * centre_freq * time_array) n_tone = signal.shape[0] if envelope == 'gaussian': limit = 3 window_x = np.linspace(-limit, limit, n_tone) window = np.exp(-window_x ** 2 / 2) elif envelope == 'rectangular': window = np.ones((signal.shape[0],)) else: raise Exception('Envelope type not implemented') signal = np.multiply(signal, window) window = scipy.signal.get_window(('tukey', 0.05), n_tone, False) signal = np.multiply(signal, window) signal = np.pad(signal, ((offset, n_samples - offset - n_tone),), mode='constant', constant_values=0.) return signal
[docs] def ricker(centre_freq, n_samples, dt, offset=0): """ Generate a ricker wavelet. Parameters ---------- centre_freq : float Centre frequency of the signal. n_samples : int Length of the wavelet. dt : float Discretisation step for the time axis. offset : int, optional Offset in timesteps to the start of the wavelet, defaults to 0. Returns ------- 1-dimensional array Generated wavelet. """ tone_length = 3 * np.sqrt(6) / (centre_freq * np.pi) time_array = np.linspace(-tone_length/2, tone_length/2, int(tone_length//dt + 1), endpoint=False) signal = (1 - 2 * np.pi**2 * centre_freq**2 * time_array**2) * np.exp(-np.pi**2 * centre_freq**2 * time_array**2) n_tone = signal.shape[0] window = scipy.signal.get_window(('tukey', 0.05), n_tone, False) signal = np.multiply(signal, window) signal = np.pad(signal, ((offset, n_samples - offset - n_tone),), mode='constant', constant_values=0.) return signal
[docs] def continuous_wave(centre_freq, n_samples, dt, ramp_length=4, phase=0): """ Generate a continuous wave. Parameters ---------- centre_freq : float Centre frequency of the signal. n_samples : int Length of the wavelet. dt : float Discretisation step for the time axis. ramp_length : int, optional Length of the up-ramp used to reduce start-up transients in periods, defaults to 4. phase : float, optional Phase shift on the wave, in [rad]. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- 1-dimensional array Generated wavelet. """ time_array = np.linspace(0, dt * (n_samples - 1), n_samples, endpoint=True) signal = np.sin(2 * np.pi * centre_freq * time_array + phase) if ramp_length > 0: period = 1 / centre_freq ramp_length_points = int(np.round(ramp_length * period / dt)) ramp_axis = np.linspace(0, np.pi, ramp_length_points, endpoint=True) ramp = (-np.cos(ramp_axis) + 1) * 0.5 if len(signal) > len(ramp): signal[:ramp_length_points] *= ramp return signal