Source code for stride

import os
import signal
import pickle
import asyncio
import warnings
from pytools import prefork
import multiprocess as multiprocessing

# pre-fork before importing anything else
if multiprocessing.get_start_method() == 'fork':
    prefork_fork = prefork._fork_server

    def _fork_server(sock):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():

    prefork._fork_server = _fork_server
    except pickle.UnpicklingError:

    def _close_prefork_atsignal(signum, frame):
        except (AttributeError, BrokenPipeError, ConnectionResetError, pickle.UnpicklingError):


    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _close_prefork_atsignal)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _close_prefork_atsignal)

import mosaic
from mosaic.utils import gpu_count

from .core import *
from .problem import *
from .physics import *
from .optimisation import *
from .utils.operators import *

[docs] async def forward(problem, pde, *args, **kwargs): """ Use a ``problem`` forward using a given ``pde``. The given ``args`` and ``kwargs`` will be passed on to the PDE. Parameters ---------- problem : Problem Problem to run the PDE on. pde : Operator PDE operator to run for each shot in the problem. dump : bool, optional Whether or not to wave to disk the result of the forward run, defaults to True. deallocate : bool, optional Whether or not to deallocate the resulting traces after running forward, defaults to False. shot_ids : list, optional List of specific shots to run, defaults to all remaining shots. safe : bool, optional Whether to discard workers that fail during execution. args : optional Extra positional arguments for the PDE. kwargs : optional Extra keyword arguments for the PDE. Returns ------- """ logger = mosaic.logger() runtime = mosaic.runtime() dump = kwargs.pop('dump', True) shot_ids = kwargs.pop('shot_ids', None) deallocate = kwargs.pop('deallocate', False) safe = kwargs.pop('safe', True) if dump is True: try: problem.acquisitions.load(path=problem.output_folder,, version=0) except OSError: pass if shot_ids is None: shot_ids = problem.acquisitions.remaining_shot_ids if not len(shot_ids): logger.warning('No need to run forward, observed already exists') return if not isinstance(shot_ids, list): shot_ids = [shot_ids] num_shots = len(shot_ids) submitted_shots = [] published_args = [runtime.put(each, publish=True) for each in args] published_args = await asyncio.gather(*published_args) platform = kwargs.get('platform', 'cpu') using_gpu = 'nvidia' in platform or 'gpu' in platform if using_gpu: devices = kwargs.pop('devices', None) num_gpus = gpu_count() if devices is None else len(devices) devices = list(range(num_gpus)) if devices is None else devices @runtime.async_for(shot_ids, safe=safe) async def loop(worker, shot_id): _kwargs = kwargs.copy() num_submitted = len(submitted_shots) logger.perf('\n') logger.perf('Giving shot %d to %s (%d out of %d)' % (shot_id, worker.uid, num_submitted, num_shots)) sub_problem = problem.sub_problem(shot_id) submitted_shots.append(shot_id) wavelets = sub_problem.shot.wavelets if using_gpu: deviceid = devices[worker.indices[1] % num_gpus] if platform in ['nvidia-acc', 'nvidia-cuda']: devito_args = _kwargs.get('devito_args', {}).copy() devito_args['deviceid'] = deviceid _kwargs['devito_args'] = devito_args elif platform == 'gpu': _kwargs['deviceid'] = deviceid else: raise ValueError('Unknown platform %s' % platform) # run PDE traces = await pde(wavelets, *published_args, problem=sub_problem, runtime=worker, **_kwargs).result() logger.perf('Shot %d retrieved' % sub_problem.shot_id) # save data shot = problem.acquisitions.get(shot_id)[:] = if np.any(np.isnan( or np.any(np.isinf( raise ValueError('Nan or inf detected in shot %d' % shot_id) if dump is True: shot.append_observed(path=problem.output_folder, logger.perf('Appended traces for shot %d to observed file' % sub_problem.shot_id) if deallocate is True: shot.observed.deallocate() await loop
[docs] async def adjoint(problem, pde, loss, optimisation_loop, optimiser, *args, **kwargs): """ Use a ``problem`` forward using a given ``pde``. The given ``args`` and ``kwargs`` will be passed on to the PDE. Parameters ---------- problem : Problem Problem to run the optimisation on. pde : Operator PDE operator to run for each shot in the problem. loss : Operator Loss function operator. optimisation_loop : OptimisationLoop Optimisation loop. optimiser : LocalOptimiser Local optimiser associated with the variable for which we are inverting. num_iters : int, optional Number of iterations to run the inversion for. select_shots : dict, optional Rules for selecting available shots per iteration, defaults to taking all shots. For details on this see :func:`~stride.problem.acquisitions.Acquisitions.select_shot_ids`. dump : bool, optional Whether or not to save to disk the updated variable after every iteration. f_min : float, optional Min. frequency to filter wavelets and data with. If not given, no high-pass filter is applied. f_max : float, optional Max. frequency to filter wavelets and data with. If not given, no low-pass filter is applied. safe : bool, optional Whether to discard workers that fail during execution. args : optional Extra positional arguments for the operators. kwargs : optional Extra keyword arguments for the operators. Returns ------- """ logger = mosaic.logger() runtime = mosaic.runtime() block = optimisation_loop.current_block num_iters = kwargs.pop('num_iters', 1) select_shots = kwargs.pop('select_shots', {}) restart = kwargs.pop('restart', None) restart_id = kwargs.pop('restart_id', -1) dump = kwargs.pop('dump', True) safe = kwargs.pop('safe', True) f_min = kwargs.pop('f_min', None) f_max = kwargs.pop('f_max', None) filter_traces = kwargs.pop('filter_traces', True) filter_wavelets = kwargs.pop('filter_wavelets', filter_traces) fw3d_mode = kwargs.get('fw3d_mode', False) filter_wavelets_relaxation = kwargs.pop('filter_wavelets_relaxation', 0.75 if not fw3d_mode else 0.725) filter_traces_relaxation = kwargs.pop('filter_traces_relaxation', 0.75 if filter_wavelets else 1.00) process_wavelets = ProcessWavelets.remote(f_min=f_min, f_max=f_max, filter_traces=filter_wavelets, filter_relaxation=filter_wavelets_relaxation, len=runtime.num_workers, **kwargs) process_observed = ProcessObserved.remote(f_min=f_min, f_max=f_max, filter_traces=filter_wavelets, filter_relaxation=filter_wavelets_relaxation, len=runtime.num_workers, **kwargs) process_wavelets_observed = ProcessWaveletsObserved.remote(f_min=f_min, f_max=f_max, filter_traces=filter_wavelets, len=runtime.num_workers, **kwargs) process_traces = ProcessTraces.remote(f_min=f_min, f_max=f_max, filter_traces=filter_traces, filter_relaxation=filter_traces_relaxation, len=runtime.num_workers, **kwargs) step_size = kwargs.pop('step_size', optimiser.step_size) keep_residual = isinstance(step_size, LineSearch) platform = kwargs.get('platform', 'cpu') using_gpu = 'nvidia' in platform or 'gpu' in platform if using_gpu: devices = kwargs.pop('devices', None) num_gpus = gpu_count() if devices is None else len(devices) devices = list(range(num_gpus)) if devices is None else devices problem.acquisitions.reset_selection() if optimiser.reset_block: optimiser.reset() for iteration in block.iterations(num_iters, restart=restart, restart_id=restart_id): optimiser.clear_grad() if optimiser.reset_iteration: optimiser.reset() published_args = [runtime.put(each, publish=True) for each in args] published_args = await asyncio.gather(*published_args) logger.perf('Starting iteration %d (out of %d), ' 'block %d (out of %d)' % (, block.num_iterations,, optimisation_loop.num_blocks)) if dump and block.restart and not optimisation_loop.started: if iteration.abs_id > 0: try: optimiser.load(path=problem.output_folder,, version=iteration.abs_id) except OSError: raise OSError('Optimisation loop cannot be restarted,' 'variable version or optimiser version %d cannot be found.' % iteration.abs_id) shot_ids = problem.acquisitions.select_shot_ids(**select_shots) num_shots = len(shot_ids) @runtime.async_for(shot_ids, safe=safe) async def loop(worker, shot_id): _kwargs = kwargs.copy() logger.perf('\n') logger.perf('Giving shot %d to %s (%d out of %d)' % (shot_id, worker.uid, iteration.num_submitted, num_shots)) sub_problem = problem.sub_problem(shot_id) iteration.add_submitted(sub_problem.shot) wavelets = sub_problem.shot.wavelets observed = sub_problem.shot.observed if wavelets is None: raise RuntimeError('Shot %d has no wavelet data' % shot_id) if observed is None: raise RuntimeError('Shot %d has no observed data' % shot_id) if using_gpu: deviceid = devices[worker.indices[1] % num_gpus] if platform in ['nvidia-acc', 'nvidia-cuda']: devito_args = _kwargs.get('devito_args', {}).copy() devito_args['deviceid'] = deviceid _kwargs['devito_args'] = devito_args elif platform == 'gpu': _kwargs['deviceid'] = deviceid else: raise ValueError('Unknown platform %s' % platform) # pre-process wavelets and observed traces wavelets = process_wavelets(wavelets, iteration=iteration, problem=sub_problem, runtime=worker, **_kwargs) await wavelets.init_future observed = process_observed(observed, iteration=iteration, problem=sub_problem, runtime=worker, **_kwargs) await observed.init_future processed = process_wavelets_observed(wavelets, observed, iteration=iteration, problem=sub_problem, runtime=worker, **_kwargs) await processed.init_future wavelets = processed.outputs[0] observed = processed.outputs[1] # run PDE modelled = pde(wavelets, *published_args, iteration=iteration, problem=sub_problem, runtime=worker, **_kwargs) await modelled.init_future # post-process modelled and observed traces traces = process_traces(modelled, observed, scale_to=sub_problem.shot.observed, iteration=iteration, problem=sub_problem, runtime=worker, **_kwargs) await traces.init_future modelled = traces.outputs[0] observed = traces.outputs[1] # calculate loss fun = await loss(modelled, observed, keep_residual=keep_residual, iteration=iteration, problem=sub_problem, runtime=worker, **_kwargs).result() iteration.add_loss(fun) logger.perf('Functional value for shot %d: %s' % (shot_id, fun)) # run adjoint await fun.adjoint(**_kwargs) iteration.add_completed(sub_problem.shot) logger.perf('Retrieved gradient for shot %d (%d out of %d)' % (sub_problem.shot_id, iteration.num_completed, num_shots)) await loop async def step_loop(): iteration.next_run() published_args = [runtime.put(each, publish=True) for each in args] published_args = await asyncio.gather(*published_args) @runtime.async_for(shot_ids, safe=safe) async def loop(worker, shot_id): _kwargs = kwargs.copy() logger.perf('\n') logger.perf('Giving shot %d to %s (%d out of %d)' % (shot_id, worker.uid, iteration.num_submitted, num_shots)) sub_problem = problem.sub_problem(shot_id) iteration.add_submitted(sub_problem.shot) wavelets = sub_problem.shot.wavelets observed = sub_problem.shot.observed if wavelets is None: raise RuntimeError('Shot %d has no wavelet data' % shot_id) if observed is None: raise RuntimeError('Shot %d has no observed data' % shot_id) if using_gpu: deviceid = devices[worker.indices[1] % num_gpus] if platform in ['nvidia-acc', 'nvidia-cuda']: devito_args = _kwargs.get('devito_args', {}).copy() devito_args['deviceid'] = deviceid _kwargs['devito_args'] = devito_args elif platform == 'gpu': _kwargs['deviceid'] = deviceid else: raise ValueError('Unknown platform %s' % platform) # pre-process wavelets and observed traces wavelets = process_wavelets(wavelets, iteration=iteration, problem=sub_problem, runtime=worker, **_kwargs) await wavelets.init_future observed = process_observed(observed, iteration=iteration, problem=sub_problem, runtime=worker, **_kwargs) await observed.init_future processed = process_wavelets_observed(wavelets, observed, iteration=iteration, problem=sub_problem, runtime=worker, **_kwargs) await processed.init_future wavelets = processed.outputs[0] observed = processed.outputs[1] # run PDE modelled = pde(wavelets, *published_args, iteration=iteration, problem=sub_problem, runtime=worker, **_kwargs) await modelled.init_future # post-process modelled and observed traces traces = process_traces(modelled, observed, scale_to=sub_problem.shot.observed, iteration=iteration, problem=sub_problem, runtime=worker, **_kwargs) await traces.init_future modelled = traces.outputs[0] observed = traces.outputs[1] # calculate loss fun = await loss(modelled, observed, keep_residual=keep_residual, iteration=iteration, problem=sub_problem, runtime=worker, **_kwargs).result() # clear up # await pde.deallocate_wavefield(deallocate=True, runtime=worker, **_kwargs) fun.clear_graph() iteration.add_loss(fun) iteration.add_completed(sub_problem.shot) logger.perf('Functional value for shot %d: %s' % (shot_id, fun)) logger.perf('Retrieved test step for shot %d (%d out of %d)' % (sub_problem.shot_id, iteration.num_completed, num_shots)) await loop await optimiser.step(iteration=iteration, problem=problem, f_min=f_min, f_max=f_max, filter_relaxation=min(filter_wavelets_relaxation, filter_traces_relaxation), step_loop=step_loop, **kwargs) if dump: optimiser.dump(path=problem.output_folder,, version=iteration.abs_id+1) if iteration.prev_run is not None: prev_loss = iteration.prev_run.total_loss prev_loss = ' [previous loss %e]' % prev_loss else: prev_loss = '' logger.perf('Done iteration %d (out of %d), ' 'block %d (out of %d) - Total loss %e%s' % (, block.num_iterations,, optimisation_loop.num_blocks, iteration.total_loss, prev_loss)) logger.perf('====================================================================') iteration.clear_run()