Source code for stride.utils.filters

import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import scipy.ndimage

__all__ = ['bandpass_filter_butterworth', 'lowpass_filter_butterworth', 'highpass_filter_butterworth',
           'bandpass_filter_fir', 'lowpass_filter_fir', 'highpass_filter_fir', 'lowpass_filter_cos']

# TODO Implement more efficient threaded filters

[docs] def bandpass_filter_butterworth(data, f_min, f_max, padding=0, order=8, zero_phase=True, adjoint=False, axis=-1, **kwargs): """ Apply a Butterworth bandpass filter using cascaded second-order sections. Parameters ---------- data : 2-dimensional array Data to apply the filter to, with shape (number_of_traces, number_of_timesteps) f_min : float Minimum frequency of the filter, dimensionless f_max : float Maximum frequency of the filter, dimensionless padding : int, optional Padding to apply before AND after the traces to compensate for the filtering, defaults to 0. order : int, optional Order of the filter, defaults to 8. zero_phase : bool, optional Whether the filter should be zero phase, defaults to True. adjoint : bool, optional Whether to run the adjoint of the filter, defaults to False. axis : int, optional Axis on which to perform the filtering, defaults to -1 Returns ------- n-dimensional array Data after filtering, with shape (..., number_of_timesteps+2*padding) """ f_min = f_min / 0.5 f_max = f_max / 0.5 if padding > 0: pad = [(0, 0)] * data.ndim pad[axis] = (padding, padding) data = np.pad(data, pad, mode='constant', constant_values=0.) sos = scipy.signal.butter(order, [f_min, f_max], analog=False, btype='band', output='sos') if zero_phase: method = scipy.signal.sosfiltfilt else: method = scipy.signal.sosfilt if adjoint: data = np.flip(data, axis=axis) filtered = method(sos, data, axis=axis) if adjoint: filtered = np.flip(filtered, axis=axis) return filtered
[docs] def lowpass_filter_butterworth(data, f_max, padding=0, order=8, zero_phase=True, adjoint=False, axis=-1, **kwargs): """ Apply a Butterworth lowpass filter using cascaded second-order sections. Parameters ---------- data : 2-dimensional array Data to apply the filter to, with shape (number_of_traces, number_of_timesteps) f_max : float Maximum frequency of the filter, dimensionless padding : int, optional Padding to apply before AND after the traces to compensate for the filtering, defaults to 0. order : int, optional Order of the filter, defaults to 8. zero_phase : bool, optional Whether the filter should be zero phase, defaults to True. adjoint : bool, optional Whether to run the adjoint of the filter, defaults to False. axis : int, optional Axis on which to perform the filtering, defaults to -1 Returns ------- n-dimensional array Data after filtering, with shape (..., number_of_timesteps+2*padding) """ f_max = f_max / 0.5 if padding > 0: pad = [(0, 0)] * data.ndim pad[axis] = (padding, padding) data = np.pad(data, pad, mode='constant', constant_values=0.) sos = scipy.signal.butter(order, f_max, analog=False, btype='lowpass', output='sos') if zero_phase: method = scipy.signal.sosfiltfilt else: method = scipy.signal.sosfilt if adjoint: data = np.flip(data, axis=axis) filtered = method(sos, data, axis=axis) if adjoint: filtered = np.flip(filtered, axis=axis) return filtered
[docs] def highpass_filter_butterworth(data, f_min, padding=0, order=8, zero_phase=True, adjoint=False, axis=-1, **kwargs): """ Apply a Butterworth highpass filter using cascaded second-order sections. Parameters ---------- data : 2-dimensional array Data to apply the filter to, with shape (number_of_traces, number_of_timesteps) f_min : float Minimum frequency of the filter, dimensionless padding : int, optional Padding to apply before AND after the traces to compensate for the filtering, defaults to 0. order : int, optional Order of the filter, defaults to 8. zero_phase : bool, optional Whether the filter should be zero phase, defaults to True. adjoint : bool, optional Whether to run the adjoint of the filter, defaults to False. axis : int, optional Axis on which to perform the filtering, defaults to -1 Returns ------- n-dimensional array Data after filtering, with shape (..., number_of_timesteps+2*padding) """ f_min = f_min / 0.5 if padding > 0: pad = [(0, 0)] * data.ndim pad[axis] = (padding, padding) data = np.pad(data, pad, mode='constant', constant_values=0.) sos = scipy.signal.butter(order, f_min, analog=False, btype='highpass', output='sos') if zero_phase: method = scipy.signal.sosfiltfilt else: method = scipy.signal.sosfilt if adjoint: data = np.flip(data, axis=axis) filtered = method(sos, data, axis=axis) if adjoint: filtered = np.flip(filtered, axis=axis) return filtered
[docs] def bandpass_filter_fir(data, f_min, f_max, padding=0, attenuation=30, zero_phase=True, adjoint=False, axis=-1, **kwargs): """ Apply a FIR bandpass filter designed using a kaiser window. Parameters ---------- data : 2-dimensional array Data to apply the filter to, with shape (number_of_traces, number_of_timesteps) f_min : float Minimum frequency of the filter, dimensionless f_max : float Minimum frequency of the filter, dimensionless padding : int, optional Padding to apply before AND after the traces to compensate for the filtering, defaults to 0. attenuation : float, optional Attenuation of the reject band in dB, defaults to 30. zero_phase : bool, optional Whether the filter should be zero phase, defaults to True. adjoint : bool, optional Whether to run the adjoint of the filter, defaults to False. axis : int, optional Axis on which to perform the filtering, defaults to -1 Returns ------- n-dimensional array Data after filtering, with shape (..., number_of_timesteps+2*padding) """ f_min = f_min / 0.5 f_max = f_max / 0.5 if padding > 0: pad = [(0, 0)] * data.ndim pad[axis] = (padding, padding) data = np.pad(data, pad, mode='constant', constant_values=0.) transition_width = 0.050 order, beta = scipy.signal.kaiserord(attenuation, transition_width) order = order // 2 * 2 + 1 filt = scipy.signal.firwin(order, [f_min, f_max], pass_zero='bandpass', window=('kaiser', beta), scale=True) if zero_phase: method = scipy.signal.filtfilt else: method = scipy.signal.lfilter if adjoint: data = np.flip(data, axis=axis) filtered = method(filt, 1., data, axis=axis) if adjoint: filtered = np.flip(filtered, axis=axis) return filtered
[docs] def lowpass_filter_fir(data, f_max, padding=0, attenuation=30, zero_phase=True, adjoint=False, axis=-1, **kwargs): """ Apply a FIR lowpass filter designed using a kaiser window. Parameters ---------- data : 2-dimensional array Data to apply the filter to, with shape (number_of_traces, number_of_timesteps) f_max : float Maximum frequency of the filter, dimensionless padding : int, optional Padding to apply before AND after the traces to compensate for the filtering, defaults to 0. attenuation : float, optional Attenuation of the reject band in dB, defaults to 30. zero_phase : bool, optional Whether the filter should be zero phase, defaults to True. adjoint : bool, optional Whether to run the adjoint of the filter, defaults to False. axis : int, optional Axis on which to perform the filtering, defaults to -1 Returns ------- n-dimensional array Data after filtering, with shape (..., number_of_timesteps+2*padding) """ f_max = f_max / 0.5 if padding > 0: pad = [(0, 0)] * data.ndim pad[axis] = (padding, padding) data = np.pad(data, pad, mode='constant', constant_values=0.) transition_width = 0.050 order, beta = scipy.signal.kaiserord(attenuation, transition_width) order = order // 2 * 2 + 1 filt = scipy.signal.firwin(order, f_max, pass_zero='lowpass', window=('kaiser', beta), scale=True) if zero_phase: method = scipy.signal.filtfilt else: method = scipy.signal.lfilter if adjoint: data = np.flip(data, axis=axis) filtered = method(filt, 1., data, axis=axis) if adjoint: filtered = np.flip(filtered, axis=axis) return filtered
[docs] def highpass_filter_fir(data, f_min, padding=0, attenuation=30, zero_phase=True, adjoint=False, axis=-1, **kwargs): """ Apply a FIR highpass filter designed using a kaiser window. Parameters ---------- data : 2-dimensional array Data to apply the filter to, with shape (number_of_traces, number_of_timesteps) f_min : float Minimum frequency of the filter, dimensionless padding : int, optional Padding to apply before AND after the traces to compensate for the filtering, defaults to 0. attenuation : float, optional Attenuation of the reject band in dB, defaults to 30. zero_phase : bool, optional Whether the filter should be zero phase, defaults to True. adjoint : bool, optional Whether to run the adjoint of the filter, defaults to False. axis : int, optional Axis on which to perform the filtering, defaults to -1 Returns ------- n-dimensional array Data after filtering, with shape (..., number_of_timesteps) """ f_min = f_min / 0.5 if padding > 0: pad = [(0, 0)] * data.ndim pad[axis] = (padding, padding) data = np.pad(data, pad, mode='constant', constant_values=0.) transition_width = 0.050 order, beta = scipy.signal.kaiserord(attenuation, transition_width) order = order // 2 * 2 + 1 filt = scipy.signal.firwin(order, f_min, pass_zero='highpass', window=('kaiser', beta), scale=True) if zero_phase: method = scipy.signal.filtfilt else: method = scipy.signal.lfilter if adjoint: data = np.flip(data, axis=axis) filtered = method(filt, 1., data, axis=axis) if adjoint: filtered = np.flip(filtered, axis=axis) return filtered
def _make_filter_cos(filter_length): table = np.zeros((filter_length,)) q = 0. for i in range(1, filter_length+1): table[i-1] = 1. - np.cos(2*np.pi * i / (filter_length + 1)) q += table[i-1] table /= q return table def lowpass_filter_cos(data, f_max, order=1, zero_phase=True, adjoint=False, axis=-1, **kwargs): """ Apply a cosine lowpass filter. Parameters ---------- data : 2-dimensional array Data to apply the filter to, with shape (number_of_traces, number_of_timesteps) f_max : float Maximum frequency of the filter, dimensionless order : int, optional Order of the filter, defaults to 2. zero_phase : bool, optional Whether the filter should be zero phase, defaults to True. adjoint : bool, optional Whether to run the adjoint of the filter, defaults to False. axis : int, optional Axis on which to perform the filtering, defaults to -1 Returns ------- n-dimensional array Data after filtering, with shape (..., number_of_timesteps+2*padding) """ f_max = f_max / 0.5 period = int(1 / f_max) filter_length = 2*period + 1 table = _make_filter_cos(filter_length) if adjoint: data = np.flip(data, axis=axis) if not zero_phase: pad = [(0, 0)] * data.ndim pad[axis] = (period, 0) data = np.pad(data, pad, mode='constant', constant_values=0.) filtered = data for _ in range(order): filtered = scipy.ndimage.convolve1d(filtered, table, mode='constant', axis=axis) if not zero_phase: filtered = filtered.take(range(0, filtered.shape[-1]-period), axis=-1) if adjoint: filtered = np.flip(filtered, axis=axis) return filtered