Source code for stride.utils.fft

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['magnitude_spectrum', 'bandwidth']

[docs] def magnitude_spectrum(signal, dt, db=True): r""" Calculate magnitude spectrum of a signal. Uses an FFT to decompose the signal into frequency components. Only the non-negative frequency components are returned. This function uses the `forward` normalisation of the FFT. See numpy FFT documentation for more information: When the input signal is composed only of waves with frequencies that correspond to periods that are integer multiples of dt, then the magnitude terms returned will exactly match the amplitude of the complex wave decomposition. Note that for frequencies other than 0 or the Nyquist frequency, this amplitude is equal to half of the amplitude of a sinusoidal wave because :math:`\cos(2\pi f) = \frac{1}{2}(e^{i2\pi f} + e^{-i2\pi f})`. Parameters ---------- signal : ndarray Signal or array of signals. dt : float Discretisation step for the time axis. db : bool, optional Whether to calculate the spectrum in decibels, defaults to True. Returns ------- 1-dimensional array Frequencies of the spectrum ndarray Magnitude spectrum of the signal or signals. Examples -------- The following code extracts the amplitude of a sinusoidal waveform at a given target frequency (which is neither 0 nor the Nyquist frequency). Note that in order for the amplitudes to be exactly correct, the frequency needs exist within the returned freqs (that is, the period corresponds to an integer multiple of dt). >>> freqs, signal_magnitude = fft.magnitude_spectrum(y, dt, db=False) >>> assert target_frequency in freqs >>> target_freq_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(freqs - target_frequency)) >>> waveform_amplitude = 2 * signal_magnitude[..., target_freq_idx] """ num = signal.shape[-1] freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(num, dt) signal_fft = np.fft.rfft(signal, axis=-1, norm="forward") signal_magnitude = np.abs(signal_fft) if db is True: signal_magnitude = 20 * np.log10( (signal_magnitude + 1e-31) / (np.max(signal_magnitude) + 1e-31) ) return freqs, signal_magnitude
def phase_spectrum(signal, dt): """ Calculate phase spectrum of a signal. Uses an FFT to decompose the signal into frequency components. Only the non-negative frequency components are returned. Parameters ---------- signal : ndarray Signal or array of signals. dt : float Discretisation step for the time axis. Returns ------- 1-dimensional array Frequencies of the spectrum ndarray Phase spectrum of the signal or signals. """ num = signal.shape[-1] freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(num, dt) signal_fft = np.fft.rfft(signal, axis=-1) signal_phase = np.angle(signal_fft) return freqs, signal_phase
[docs] def bandwidth(signal, dt, cutoff=-10): """ Calculate the bandwidth of a signal at a given dB level. Parameters ---------- signal : ndarray Signal or array of signals. dt : float Discretisation step for the time axis. cutoff : float dB level to calculate bandwidth. Returns ------- float Min frequency in the BW. float Centre frequency in the BW. float Max frequency in the BW. """ freqs, signal_fft = magnitude_spectrum(signal, dt, db=True) if len(signal_fft.shape) > 1: signal_fft = np.mean(signal_fft, axis=0) num_freqs = signal_fft.shape[-1] f_min = 0 for f in range(num_freqs): if signal_fft[f] > cutoff: f_min = freqs[f] break f_centre = freqs[np.argmax(signal_fft)] f_max = num_freqs for f in reversed(range(num_freqs)): if signal_fft[f] > cutoff: f_max = freqs[f] break return f_min, f_centre, f_max