Source code for stride.problem.domain

import numpy as np
from cached_property import cached_property

__all__ = ['Space', 'Time', 'SlowTime', 'Grid']

[docs] class Space: """ This defines the spatial grid over which the problem is defined. The spatial grid consists of an inner domain defined by ``shape`` and an external padding defined by ``extra``. Within this extra region, a further sub-region is defined as absorbing for boundary purposes as defined by ``absorbing``. The ``spacing`` defines the axis-wise spacing of the grid. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple Shape of the inner domain. spacing : tuple or float Axis-wise spacing of the grid, in metres. extra : tuple Amount of axis-wise extra space around the inner domain. absorbing : tuple Portion of the extra space that corresponds to absorbing boundaries. """ def __init__(self, shape=None, spacing=None, extra=None, absorbing=None): if isinstance(spacing, float): spacing = (spacing,)*len(shape) extra = extra or (0,)*len(shape) absorbing = absorbing or (0,)*len(shape) self.dim = len(shape) self.shape = tuple(shape) self.spacing = tuple(spacing) self.extra = tuple(extra) self.absorbing = tuple(absorbing) origin = (0,) * self.dim pml_origin = tuple([each_origin - each_spacing * each_extra for each_origin, each_spacing, each_extra in zip(origin, spacing, extra)]) extended_shape = tuple(np.array([dim + 2*added for dim, added in zip(shape, extra)])) size = tuple(np.array(spacing) * (np.array(shape) - 1)) extended_size = tuple([each_origin + each_spacing * (each_shape + each_extra - 1) for each_origin, each_spacing, each_shape, each_extra in zip(origin, spacing, shape, extra)]) self.origin = origin self.pml_origin = pml_origin self.extended_shape = extended_shape self.limit = size self.extended_limit = extended_size @property def size(self): """ Alias for the domain limit. """ return self.limit @property def extended_size(self): """ Alias for the extended domain limit. """ return self.extended_limit
[docs] def resample(self, spacing, extra=None, absorbing=None): if isinstance(spacing, float): spacing = (spacing,)*self.dim shape = tuple((np.array(self.size) / np.array(spacing) + 1).astype(int)) if extra is None: extra = tuple((np.array(self.spacing) * (np.array(self.extra) - 1) / np.array(spacing) + 1).astype(int)) if absorbing is None: absorbing = tuple((np.array(self.spacing) * (np.array(self.absorbing) - 1) / np.array(spacing) + 1).astype(int)) return Space(shape=shape, spacing=spacing, extra=extra, absorbing=absorbing)
@property def inner(self): """ Slices defining the inner domain, as a tuple of slices. """ return tuple([slice(extra, extra + shape) for shape, extra in zip(self.shape, self.extra)]) @property def inner_mask(self): """ Tensor of the shape of the space grid with gridpoints wihtin inner domain set to 1 and those outside set to 0, as an ndarray. """ mask = np.zeros(self.extended_shape, dtype=np.float32) pml_slices = self.inner mask[pml_slices] = 1. return mask @cached_property def mesh_indices(self): """ Create the mesh of indices in the inner domain, as a tuple of ndarray. """ grid = [np.arange(0, shape) for shape in self.shape] return np.meshgrid(*grid) @cached_property def extended_mesh_indices(self): """ Create the mesh of indices in the extended domain, as a tuple of ndarray. """ grid = [np.arange(0, extended_shape) for extended_shape in self.extended_shape] return np.meshgrid(*grid) @cached_property def mesh(self): """ Create the mesh of spatial locations in the inner domain, as a tuple of ndarray. """ grid = self.grid return np.meshgrid(*grid, indexing='ij') @cached_property def extended_mesh(self): """ Create the mesh of spatial locations the full, extended domain, as a tuple of ndarray. """ grid = self.extended_grid return np.meshgrid(*grid, indexing='ij') @cached_property def indices(self): """ Indices corresponding to the grid of the inner domain, as a tuple of 1d-arrays. """ axes = [np.arange(0, shape) for shape in self.shape] return tuple(axes) @cached_property def extended_indices(self): """ Indices corresponding to the grid of the extended domain, as a tuple of 1d-arrays. """ axes = [np.arange(0, extended_shape) for extended_shape in self.extended_shape] return tuple(axes) @cached_property def grid(self): """ Spatial points corresponding to the grid of the inner domain, as a tuple of 1d-arrays. """ axes = [np.linspace(self.origin[dim], self.limit[dim], self.shape[dim], endpoint=True, dtype=np.float32) for dim in range(self.dim)] return tuple(axes) @cached_property def extended_grid(self): """ Spatial points corresponding to the grid of the extended domain, as a tuple of 1d-arrays. """ axes = [np.linspace(self.pml_origin[dim], self.extended_limit[dim], self.extended_shape[dim], endpoint=True, dtype=np.float32) for dim in range(self.dim)] return tuple(axes)
[docs] class Time: """ This defines the temporal grid over which the problem is defined A time grid is fully defined by three of its arguments: start, stop, step or num. The time grid can be extended with a certain amount of padding, generating an inner domain and an extended domain, similar to that seen in the Space. Parameters ---------- start : float, optional Point at which time starts, in seconds. step : float, optional Step between time points, in seconds. num : int, optional Number of time points in the grid. stop : float, optional Point at which time ends, in seconds. """ def __init__(self, start=None, step=None, num=None, stop=None): self._set_properties(start, step, num, stop) def _set_properties(self, start=None, step=None, num=None, stop=None): try: if start is None: start = stop - step*(num - 1) elif step is None: step = (stop - start)/(num - 1) elif num is None: num = int(np.ceil((stop - start)/step + 1)) stop = step*(num - 1) + start elif stop is None: stop = start + step*(num - 1) except: raise ValueError('Three of args start, step, num and stop may be set') if not isinstance(num, int): raise TypeError('"input" argument must be of type int') self.start = start self.stop = stop self.step = step self.num = num self.extra = 0 self.extended_start = start self.extended_stop = stop self.extended_num = num
[docs] def extend(self, extra): self.extra = extra self.extended_start = self.start - (self.extra[0] - 1)*self.step self.extended_stop = self.stop + (self.extra[1] - 1)*self.step self.extended_num = self.num + self.extra[0] + self.extra[1]
[docs] def resample(self, new_step, new_num): """ Resample a trace. Parameters ---------- new_step : float The time spacing for the interpolated grid new_num : int The number of time-points, default is calculated to match input pulse length in [s] Returns ------- """ dt_in = self.step # Extract current parameters start = self.start stop = self.stop num = self.num new_start = 0. # Calculate new parameters interp_num = int((num)*(dt_in/new_step)) interp_stop = new_start + new_step*(interp_num - 1) if new_num is not None: # Do we need to pad the array or not? new_stop = new_start + new_step*(new_num - 1) else: new_num = interp_num new_stop = interp_stop self._set_properties(start=new_start, step=new_step, num=new_num) # Update time try: del self.__dict__['grid'] del self.__dict__['extended_grid'] except: pass
@property def inner(self): """ Slice defining the inner domain. """ return slice(self.extra, self.extra + self.num) @cached_property def grid(self): """ Time points corresponding to the grid of the inner domain, as a 1d-array. """ return np.linspace(self.start, self.stop, self.num, endpoint=True, dtype=np.float32) @cached_property def extended_grid(self): """ Time points corresponding to the grid of the extended domain, as a 1d-array. """ return np.linspace(self.extended_start, self.extended_stop, self.extended_num, endpoint=True, dtype=np.float32)
[docs] class SlowTime: """ This defines the slow temporal grid over which the problem is defined Parameters ---------- frame_rate : float, optional Sampling frequency between frames, in Hz. acq_rate : float, optional Sampling frequency between acquisitions, in Hz. frame_step : float, optional Time step between frames, in seconds. acq_step : float, optional Time step between frames, in seconds. num_frame : int, optional Number of frames in the grid. num_acq : int, optional Number of acquisitions per frame. """ def __init__(self, frame_rate=None, acq_rate=None, frame_step=None, acq_step=None, num_frame=None, num_acq=None): try: if frame_step is None: frame_step = 1/frame_rate else: frame_rate = 1/frame_step except: raise ValueError('Either freq or step has to be defined') if not isinstance(num_frame, int): raise TypeError('num_frames must be of type int') if acq_step is None and acq_rate is None: acq_step = 0 acq_rate = -1 num_acq = 1 else: if not isinstance(num_acq, int): raise TypeError('num_acq must be of type int') if acq_step is None: acq_step = 1/acq_rate elif acq_rate is None: acq_rate = 1/acq_step if num_acq*acq_step > frame_step: raise ValueError('Acquisition step (%e s) too large for frame step (%e s).' % (num_acq*acq_step, frame_step)) start = 0. stop = start + frame_step * (num_frame - 1) self.start = start self.stop = stop self.frame_step = frame_step self.frame_rate = frame_rate self.num_frame = num_frame self.acq_step = acq_step self.acq_rate = acq_rate self.num_acq = num_acq
[docs] def resample(self): raise NotImplementedError('Resampling has not been implemented yet')
@property def num(self): """ Total number of steps. """ return self.num_frame*self.num_acq @property def extended_num(self): """ Total number of steps. """ return self.num @property def inner(self): """ Slice defining the inner domain. """ return slice(0, None) @cached_property def grid(self): """ Time points corresponding to the grid, as a 1d-array. """ if self.acq_rate > 0: start = 0. stop = start + self.acq_step * (self.num_acq - 1) grid = [np.linspace(start + self.frame_step*acq, stop + self.frame_step*acq, self.num_acq, endpoint=True, dtype=np.float32) for acq in range(self.num_frame)] return np.concatenate(grid) else: return np.linspace(self.start, self.stop, self.num_frame, endpoint=True, dtype=np.float32)
class Grid: """ The grid is a container for the spatial and temporal grids. Parameters ---------- space : Space time : Time slow_time : SlowTime """ def __init__(self, space=None, time=None, slow_time=None): = space self.time = time self.slow_time = slow_time