Source code for

import gc
import functools
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
import scipy.interpolate
import resampy

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.widgets import Slider


except ModuleNotFoundError:

import mosaic
from mosaic.comms.compression import maybe_compress, decompress

from .base import GriddedSaved
from ..core import Variable
from .. import plotting

__all__ = ['Data', 'StructuredData', 'Scalar', 'ScalarField', 'VectorField', 'Traces',
           'SparseField', 'ParticleField']

[docs] @mosaic.tessera class Data(GriddedSaved, Variable): """ Objects of this type represent Data defined over a grid and on which mathematical operations might be performed. This data might or might not be structured. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): GriddedSaved.__init__(self, **kwargs) Variable.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def clear_grad(self): raise NotImplementedError('Unimplemented Data method clear_grad')
[docs] def process_grad(self): raise NotImplementedError('Unimplemented Data method process_grad')
def __add__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError('Operator + has not been implemented for class %s' % self.__class__.__name__) def __sub__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError('Operator - has not been implemented for class %s' % self.__class__.__name__) def __mul__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError('Operator * has not been implemented for class %s' % self.__class__.__name__) def __pow__(self, power, modulo=None): raise NotImplementedError('Operator ** has not been implemented for class %s' % self.__class__.__name__) def __truediv__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError('Operator / has not been implemented for class %s' % self.__class__.__name__) def __floordiv__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError('Operator // has not been implemented for class %s' % self.__class__.__name__) def __iadd__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError('Operator + has not been implemented for class %s' % self.__class__.__name__) def __isub__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError('Operator - has not been implemented for class %s' % self.__class__.__name__) def __imul__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError('Operator * has not been implemented for class %s' % self.__class__.__name__) def __ipow__(self, power, modulo=None): raise NotImplementedError('Operator ** has not been implemented for class %s' % self.__class__.__name__) def __itruediv__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError('Operator / has not been implemented for class %s' % self.__class__.__name__) def __ifloordiv__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError('Operator // has not been implemented for class %s' % self.__class__.__name__) __radd__ = __add__ __rsub__ = __sub__ __rmul__ = __mul__ __rtruediv__ = __truediv__ __rfloordiv__ = __floordiv__
[docs] @mosaic.tessera class StructuredData(Data): """ Objects of this type represent data defined over a structured grid. This grid is on which the data lives is fully defined by the ``shape`` parameter. Optionally, an ``extended_shape`` may be provided if the data is defined over an inner and extended domain. If an extended domain is defined, the ``inner`` parameter can be used to determine the position of the inner domain within the larger extended domain. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the data. shape : tuple Shape of the inner domain of the data. extended_shape : tuple, optional Shape of the extended domain of the data, defaults to the ``shape``. inner : tuple, optional Tuple of slices defining the location of the inner domain inside the extended domain, defaults to the inner domain being centred. dtype : data-type, optional Data type of the data, defaults to float32. data : ndarray, optional Data with which to initialise the internal buffer, defaults to a new array. By default, no copies of the buffer are made if provided. grid : Grid or any of Space or Time Grid on which the Problem is defined """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) shape = kwargs.pop('shape', None) extended_shape = kwargs.pop('extended_shape', None) inner = kwargs.pop('inner', None) dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', np.float32) data = kwargs.pop('data', None) if data is not None: shape = shape or data.shape if shape is not None: extended_shape = extended_shape or shape if inner is None: extra = [each_extended - each_shape for each_extended, each_shape in zip(extended_shape, shape)] inner = tuple([slice(each_extra, each_extra + each_shape) for each_extra, each_shape in zip(extra, shape)]) self._shape = shape self._extended_shape = extended_shape self._inner = inner self._dtype = dtype self._data = None if data is not None: self._data = self.pad_data(data) self.grad = None self.prec = None
[docs] def alike(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a data object that shares its characteristics with this object. The same parameters as those given to ``__init__`` are valid here. Otherwise the new object will be configured to be like this one. Returns ------- StructuredData Newly created StructuredData. """ kwargs['shape'] = kwargs.pop('shape', self.shape) kwargs['extended_shape'] = kwargs.pop('extended_shape', self.extended_shape) kwargs['inner'] = kwargs.pop('inner', self.inner) kwargs['dtype'] = kwargs.pop('dtype', self.dtype) kwargs['grid'] = kwargs.pop('grid', self.grid) kwargs['propagate_tessera'] = False return super().copy(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def detach(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a copy of the variable that is detached from the original graph. Returns ------- StructuredData Detached variable. """ kwargs['shape'] = kwargs.pop('shape', self.shape) kwargs['extended_shape'] = kwargs.pop('extended_shape', self.extended_shape) kwargs['inner'] = kwargs.pop('inner', self.inner) kwargs['dtype'] = kwargs.pop('dtype', self.dtype) kwargs['grid'] = kwargs.pop('grid', self.grid) kwargs['data'] = kwargs.pop('data', self._data) return super().detach(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def as_parameter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a copy of the variable that is detached from the original graph and re-initialised as a parameter. Returns ------- StructuredData Detached variable. """ kwargs['shape'] = kwargs.pop('shape', self.shape) kwargs['extended_shape'] = kwargs.pop('extended_shape', self.extended_shape) kwargs['inner'] = kwargs.pop('inner', self.inner) kwargs['dtype'] = kwargs.pop('dtype', self.dtype) kwargs['grid'] = kwargs.pop('grid', self.grid) kwargs['data'] = kwargs.pop('data', self._data) return super().as_parameter(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs): """ Create a deep copy of the data object. Returns ------- StructuredData Newly created StructuredData. """ cpy = self.alike(name=kwargs.pop('name', self._init_name), **kwargs) cpy.extended_data[:] = self.extended_data cpy.needs_grad = self.needs_grad if self.grad is not None: cpy.grad = self.grad.copy() if self.prec is not None: cpy.prec = self.prec.copy() return cpy
@property def data(self): """ Data values inside the inner domain, as an ndarray. """ if self._data is None: self.allocate() return self._data[self._inner] @property def extended_data(self): """ Data values inside the extended domain, as an ndarray. """ if self._data is None: self.allocate() return self._data @property def shape(self): """ Shape of the inner domain, as a tuple. """ return self._shape @property def extended_shape(self): """ Shape of the extended domain, as a tuple. """ return self._extended_shape @property def ndim(self): """ Number of data dimensions. """ return len(self._shape) @property def inner(self): """ Slices that determine the location of the inner domain with respect to the extended domain, as a tuple of slices. """ return self._inner @property def allocated(self): """ Whether or not the data has been allocated. """ return self._data is not None @property def dtype(self): """ Data-type of the data. """ return self._dtype
[docs] def clear_grad(self): """ Initialise and clear the internal buffers for the gradient and preconditioner. Returns ------- """ if not self.needs_grad: return if self.grad is None: self.grad = self.alike(name='%s_grad' %, shape=self.shape, extended_shape=self.shape, inner=None) self.grad.prec = self.alike(name='%s_prec' %, shape=self.shape, extended_shape=self.shape, inner=None) self.grad.fill(0.) self.grad.prec.fill(0.) if hasattr(self, 'is_proxy') and self.is_proxy: self.set('grad', self.grad)
[docs] def release_grad(self): """ Release the internal buffers for the gradient and preconditioner. Returns ------- """ self.grad = None
[docs] def process_grad(self, **kwargs): """ Process the gradient by applying the pre-conditioner to it. Parameters ---------- prec_scale : float, optional Condition scaling for the preconditioner. Returns ------- """ if not self.needs_grad: return self.grad.apply_prec(**kwargs) return self.grad
[docs] def apply_prec(self, prec_scale=0.25, prec_op=None, prec=None, **kwargs): """ Apply a pre-conditioner to the current field. Parameters ---------- prec_scale : float, optional Condition scaling for the preconditioner. prec_op : callable, optional Additional operation to apply to the preconditioner. prec : StructuredData, optional Pre-conditioner to apply. Defaults to self.prec. Returns ------- """ prec = self.prec if prec is None else prec if prec is not None: prec_factor = np.sum(np.abs( if prec_factor > 1e-31: num_points = prec_factor = prec_scale * num_points / prec_factor[:] = * prec_factor + 1 if prec_op is not None:[:] = prec_op( non_zero = np.abs( > 0.[non_zero] /=[non_zero] return self
[docs] def allocate(self): """ Allocate the data if this has not been allocated yet. Returns ------- """ if self._data is None: self._data = np.empty(self._extended_shape, dtype=self._dtype)
[docs] def deallocate(self, collect=False): """ Deallocate the data. Parameters ---------- collect : bool, optional Returns ------- """ if self._data is not None: del self._data self._data = None if collect: gc.collect()
[docs] def fill(self, value): """ Fill the data with a certain value Parameters ---------- value : float Value with which to fill the data. Returns ------- """ if self._data is None: self.allocate() self._data.fill(value)
[docs] def pad(self, smooth=False): """ Pad internal data to match the extended shape of the StructuredData. Parameters ---------- smooth : bool, optional Whether or not to smooth the padding area, defaults to False Returns ------- """ self.extended_data[:] = self.pad_data(, smooth=smooth)
[docs] def pad_data(self, data, smooth=False): """ Pad input data to match the extended shape of the StructuredData. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Array to pad. smooth : bool, optional Whether or not to smooth the padding area, defaults to False Returns ------- ndarray Padded array. """ shape = data.shape pad_widths = [each_extended - each_shape for each_extended, each_shape in zip(self._extended_shape, shape)] pad_widths = [[each // 2, each // 2] for each in pad_widths] if np.asarray(pad_widths).sum() > 0: data = np.pad(data, pad_widths, mode='edge') if smooth is True: for dim, width in zip(range(len(pad_widths)), pad_widths): # : slices all_ind = [slice(0, d) for d in data.shape] for pos in range(0, width[0], 5): sigma = pos / width[0] * 3.0 # Left slice for dimension all_ind[dim] = slice(0, width[0] + 1 - pos) data[tuple(all_ind)] = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(data[tuple(all_ind)], sigma=sigma) # right slice for dimension all_ind[dim] = slice(data.shape[dim] - width[1] - 1 + pos, data.shape[dim]) data[tuple(all_ind)] = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(data[tuple(all_ind)], sigma=sigma) return data else: return data
def _prepare_op(self, other): res = self.copy() other_data = self._prepare_other(other) return res, other_data def _prepare_other(self, other): other_data = other if isinstance(other, StructuredData): if not isinstance(self, StructuredData): raise ValueError('Data of type %s and %s cannot be operated together' % (type(self), type(other))) other_data = other.extended_data return other_data @staticmethod def _op_grad(res, other, op): if not hasattr(other, 'grad'): return if res.grad is not None and other.grad is not None: res.grad = getattr(res.grad, op)(other.grad) elif other.grad is not None: res.grad = other.grad @staticmethod def _op_prec(res, other, op): if not hasattr(other, 'prec'): return if res.prec is not None and other.prec is not None: res.prec = getattr(res.prec, op)(other.prec) elif other.prec is not None: res.prec = other.prec def __add__(self, other): res, other_data = self._prepare_op(other) res.extended_data[:] = res.extended_data.__add__(other_data) self._op_grad(res, other, '__add__') self._op_prec(res, other, '__add__') return res def __sub__(self, other): res, other_data = self._prepare_op(other) res.extended_data[:] = res.extended_data.__sub__(other_data) self._op_grad(res, other, '__sub__') self._op_prec(res, other, '__sub__') return res def __mul__(self, other): res, other_data = self._prepare_op(other) res.extended_data[:] = res.extended_data.__mul__(other_data) self._op_grad(res, other, '__mul__') self._op_prec(res, other, '__mul__') return res def __pow__(self, power, modulo=None): res = self.copy() res.extended_data[:] = res.extended_data.__pow__(power) return res def __truediv__(self, other): res, other_data = self._prepare_op(other) res.extended_data[:] = res.extended_data.__truediv__(other_data) self._op_grad(res, other, '__truediv__') self._op_prec(res, other, '__truediv__') return res def __floordiv__(self, other): res, other_data = self._prepare_op(other) res.extended_data[:] = res.extended_data.__floordiv__(other_data) self._op_grad(res, other, '__floordiv__') self._op_prec(res, other, '__floordiv__') return res def __iadd__(self, other): res = self other_data = self._prepare_other(other) res.extended_data.__iadd__(other_data) self._op_grad(res, other, '__iadd__') self._op_prec(res, other, '__iadd__') return res def __isub__(self, other): res = self other_data = self._prepare_other(other) res.extended_data.__isub__(other_data) self._op_grad(res, other, '__isub__') self._op_prec(res, other, '__isub__') return res def __imul__(self, other): res = self other_data = self._prepare_other(other) res.extended_data.__imul__(other_data) self._op_grad(res, other, '__imul__') self._op_prec(res, other, '__imul__') return res def __ipow__(self, power, modulo=None): res = self res.extended_data.__ipow__(power) return res def __itruediv__(self, other): res = self other_data = self._prepare_other(other) res.extended_data.__itruediv__(other_data) self._op_grad(res, other, '__itruediv__') self._op_prec(res, other, '__itruediv__') return res def __ifloordiv__(self, other): res = self other_data = self._prepare_other(other) res.extended_data.__ifloordiv__(other_data) self._op_grad(res, other, '__ifloordiv__') self._op_prec(res, other, '__ifloordiv__') return res __radd__ = __add__ __rsub__ = __sub__ __rmul__ = __mul__ __rtruediv__ = __truediv__ __rfloordiv__ = __floordiv__ def __get_desc__(self, **kwargs): if self._data is None: self.allocate() compression = False data = if kwargs.pop('maybe_compress', False): compression, data = maybe_compress(data) inner = [] for each in self._inner: inner.append([ str(each.start), str(each.stop), str(each.step), ]) description = { 'shape': self._shape, 'extended_shape': self._extended_shape, 'inner': inner, 'dtype': str(np.dtype(self._dtype)), 'data': data, 'compression': compression if compression is not None else False } return description def __set_desc__(self, description): self._shape = description.shape self._extended_shape = description.extended_shape self._dtype = np.dtype(description.dtype) inner = [] for each in description.inner: inner.append(slice( int(each[0]) if each[0] != 'None' else None, int(each[1]) if each[1] != 'None' else None, int(each[2]) if each[2] != 'None' else None, )) self._inner = tuple(inner) data = if hasattr(data, 'load'): data = data.load() compression = description.get('compression', None) if compression: data = decompress(compression, data) data = np.frombuffer(data, self.dtype).reshape(self.shape) self.extended_data[:] = self.pad_data(data)
[docs] @mosaic.tessera class Scalar(StructuredData): def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs['shape'] = (1,) super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] @mosaic.tessera class ScalarField(StructuredData): """ Objects of this type describe a scalar field defined over the spatial grid. Scalar fields can also be time-dependent. By default, the domain over which the field is defined is determined by the grid provided. This can be overwritten by providing a defined ``shape`` instead. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the data. time_dependent : bool, optional Whether or not the field is time-dependent, defaults to False. slow_time_dependent : bool, optional Whether or not the field is slow-time dependent, defaults to False. shape : tuple, optional Shape of the inner domain of the data. extended_shape : tuple, optional Shape of the extended domain of the data, defaults to the ``shape``. inner : tuple, optional Tuple of slices defining the location of the inner domain inside the extended domain, defaults to the inner domain being centred. dtype : data-type, optional Data type of the data, defaults to float32. grid : Grid or any of Space or Time Grid on which the Problem is defined """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): data = kwargs.pop('data', None) super().__init__(**kwargs) time_dependent = kwargs.pop('time_dependent', False) slow_time_dependent = kwargs.pop('slow_time_dependent', False) self._time_dependent = time_dependent self._slow_time_dependent = slow_time_dependent if is not None and self._shape is None: self._init_shape() elif data is not None: self._shape = self._extended_shape = data.shape self._inner = (slice(0, None),)*data.ndim if data is not None: self._data = self.pad_data(data) def _init_shape(self, fill_shape=True): shape = () extended_shape = () inner = () if self._time_dependent: shape += (self.time.num,) extended_shape += (self.time.extended_num,) inner += (self.time.inner,) if self._slow_time_dependent: shape += (self.slow_time.num,) extended_shape += (self.slow_time.extended_num,) inner += (self.slow_time.inner,) shape += extended_shape += inner += if fill_shape: self._shape = shape self._extended_shape = extended_shape self._inner = inner
[docs] def alike(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a data object that shares its characteristics with this object. The same parameters as those given to ``__init__`` are valid here. Otherwise the new object will be configured to be like this one. Returns ------- ScalarField Newly created ScalarField. """ kwargs['time_dependent'] = kwargs.pop('time_dependent', self.time_dependent) kwargs['slow_time_dependent'] = kwargs.pop('slow_time_dependent', self.slow_time_dependent) return super().alike(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def detach(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a copy of the variable that is detached from the original graph. Returns ------- ScalarField Detached variable. """ kwargs['time_dependent'] = kwargs.pop('time_dependent', self.time_dependent) kwargs['slow_time_dependent'] = kwargs.pop('slow_time_dependent', self.slow_time_dependent) return super().detach(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def as_parameter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a copy of the variable that is detached from the original graph and re-initialised as a parameter. Returns ------- ScalarField Detached variable. """ kwargs['time_dependent'] = kwargs.pop('time_dependent', self.time_dependent) kwargs['slow_time_dependent'] = kwargs.pop('slow_time_dependent', self.slow_time_dependent) return super().as_parameter(*args, **kwargs)
@property def time_dependent(self): """ Whether or not the field is time dependent. """ return self._time_dependent @property def slow_time_dependent(self): """ Whether or not the field is slow-time dependent. """ return self._slow_time_dependent
[docs] def stagger(self, stagger, method='nearest'): """ Resample the internal (non-padded) data given some spatial staggering. Parameters ---------- stagger : float or tuple of floats Stagger in each dimension. method : str, optional Method used for resampling, ``linear`` or ``nearest``, defaults to ``nearest``. Returns ------- """[:] = self.stagger_data(, stagger, method=method)
[docs] def stagger_data(self, data, stagger, method='nearest'): """ Resample the data given some spatial staggering. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Data to stagger. stagger : float or tuple of floats Stagger in each dimension. method : str, optional Method used for resampling, ``linear`` or ``nearest``, defaults to ``nearest``. Returns ------- ndarray Resampled data. """ try: iter(stagger) except TypeError: stagger = (stagger,) * staggered_grid = [grid - h for grid, h in zip(, stagger)] mesh = np.asarray([each.ravel() for each in np.meshgrid(*, indexing='ij')]).T interp = scipy.interpolate.interpn(staggered_grid, data, mesh, method=method, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) interp = interp.reshape( return interp
[docs] def resample(self, space=None, **kwargs): """ Resample the internal (non-padded) data given some new space object. Parameters ---------- space : Space New space. order : int, optional Order of the interplation, default is 3. prefilter : bool, optional Determines if the input array is prefiltered before interpolation. If downsampling, this defaults to ``False`` as an anti-aliasing filter will be applied instead. If upsampling, this defaults to ``True``. anti_alias : bool, optional Whether a Gaussian filter is applied to smooth the data before interpolation. The default is ``True``. This is only applied when downsampling. anti_alias_sigma : float or tuple of floats, optional Gaussian filter standard deviations used for the anti-aliasing filter. The default is (d - 1) / 2 where d is the downsampling factor and d > 1. When upsampling, d < 1, and no anti-aliasing filter is applied. Returns ------- """ if self.time_dependent or self.slow_time_dependent: data = interp = [] for t in range(data.shape[0]): interp.append(self.resample_data(data[t], space, **kwargs)) interp = np.stack(interp, axis=0) else: interp = self.resample_data(, space, **kwargs) = space self._init_shape() self._data = self.pad_data(interp)
[docs] def resample_data(self, data, space, **kwargs): """ Resample the data given some new space object. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Data to stagger. space : Space New space. order : int, optional Order of the interpolation, default is 3. prefilter : bool, optional Determines if the input array is prefiltered before interpolation. If downsampling, this defaults to ``False`` as an anti-aliasing filter will be applied instead. If upsampling, this defaults to ``True``. anti_alias : bool, optional Whether a Gaussian filter is applied to smooth the data before interpolation. The default is ``True``. This is only applied when downsampling. anti_alias_sigma : float or tuple of floats, optional Gaussian filter standard deviations used for the anti-aliasing filter. The default is (d - 1) / 2 where d is the downsampling factor and d > 1. When upsampling, d < 1, and no anti-aliasing filter is applied. Returns ------- ndarray Resampled data. """ order = kwargs.pop('order', 3) prefilter = kwargs.pop('prefilter', True) resampling_factors = np.array([dx_old/dx_new for dx_old, dx_new in zip(, space.spacing)]) # Anti-aliasing is only required for down-sampling interpolation if any(factor < 1 for factor in resampling_factors): anti_alias = kwargs.pop('anti_alias', True) if anti_alias: anti_alias_sigma = kwargs.pop('anti_alias_sigma', None) if anti_alias_sigma is not None: anti_alias_sigma = anti_alias_sigma * np.ones_like(resampling_factors) if np.any(anti_alias_sigma < 0): raise ValueError("Anti-alias standard dev. must be equal to or greater than zero") # Estimate anti-alias standard deviations if none provided else: anti_alias_sigma = np.maximum(0, (1/resampling_factors - 1) / 2) data = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(data, anti_alias_sigma) # Prefiltering is not necessary if anti-alias filter used prefilter = False interp = scipy.ndimage.zoom(data, resampling_factors, order=order, prefilter=prefilter) return interp
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """ Plot the inner domain of the field. Parameters ---------- kwargs Arguments for plotting. Returns ------- axes Axes on which the plotting is done. """ plot = kwargs.pop('plot', True) try: dim = origin = kwargs.pop('origin', limit = kwargs.pop('limit', except AttributeError: dim = self.ndim origin = (0,)*self.ndim limit = self.shape if (self.time_dependent or self.slow_time_dependent) and dim == 2: def update(figure, axis, step): if len(axis.images): axis.images[-1].colorbar.remove() axis.clear() kwargs.pop('time_range', None) self._plot([int(step)], origin=origin, limit=limit, axis=axis, **kwargs) axis.set_title(axis.get_title() + ' - time step %d' % step) figure.canvas.draw_idle() axis = self._plot_time(update, **kwargs) elif self.slow_time_dependent: axis = self._plot([0], origin=origin, limit=limit, **kwargs) else: axis = self._plot(, origin=origin, limit=limit, **kwargs) if plot is True: return axis
[docs] def extended_plot(self, **kwargs): """ Plot the extended domain of the field. Parameters ---------- kwargs Arguments for plotting. Returns ------- axes Axes on which the plotting is done. """ plot = kwargs.pop('plot', True) try: dim = origin = kwargs.pop('origin', limit = kwargs.pop('limit', except AttributeError: dim = self.ndim origin = (0,)*self.ndim limit = self.extended_shape if (self.time_dependent or self.slow_time_dependent) and dim == 2: def update(figure, axis, step): if len(axis.images): axis.images[-1].colorbar.remove() axis.clear() kwargs.pop('time_range', None) self._plot(self.extended_data[int(step)], origin=origin, limit=limit, axis=axis, **kwargs) axis.set_title(axis.get_title() + ' - time step %d' % step) figure.canvas.draw_idle() axis = self._plot_time(update, **kwargs) elif self.slow_time_dependent: axis = self._plot(self.extended_data[0], origin=origin, limit=limit, **kwargs) else: axis = self._plot(self.extended_data, origin=origin, limit=limit, **kwargs) if plot is True: return axis
def _plot(self, data, **kwargs): title = kwargs.pop('title', axis = plotting.plot_scalar_field(data, title=title, **kwargs) return axis def _plot_time(self, update, **kwargs): if not ENABLED_2D_PLOTTING: return None figure, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.25) axis.margins(x=0) ax_shot = plt.axes([0.15, 0.1, 0.7, 0.03]) time_range = kwargs.get('time_range', (0, self._data.shape[0])) slider = Slider(ax_shot, 'time', time_range[0], time_range[1]-1, valinit=0, valstep=1) update = functools.partial(update, figure, axis) update(0) slider.on_changed(update) axis.slider = slider return axis def __get_desc__(self, **kwargs): description = super().__get_desc__(**kwargs) description['time_dependent'] = self._time_dependent description['slow_time_dependent'] = self._slow_time_dependent return description def __set_desc__(self, description): self._shape = description.shape self._dtype = np.dtype(description.dtype) self._time_dependent = description.time_dependent self._slow_time_dependent = description.get('slow_time_dependent', False) if is not None: self._init_shape(fill_shape=False) data = if hasattr(data, 'load'): data = data.load() compression = description.get('compression', None) if compression: data = decompress(compression, data) data = np.frombuffer(data, self.dtype).reshape(self.shape) self.extended_data[:] = self.pad_data(data)
[docs] @mosaic.tessera class VectorField(ScalarField): """ Objects of this type describe a vector field defined over the spatial grid. Vector fields can also be time-dependent. By default, the domain over which the field is defined is determined by the grid provided. This can be overwritten by providing a defined ``shape`` instead. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the data. dim : int, optional Number of dimensions for the vector field, defaults to the spatial dimensions. time_dependent : bool, optional Whether or not the field is time-dependent, defaults to False. slow_time_dependent : bool, optional Whether or not the field is slow-time dependent, defaults to False. shape : tuple, optional Shape of the inner domain of the data. extended_shape : tuple, optional Shape of the extended domain of the data, defaults to the ``shape``. inner : tuple, optional Tuple of slices defining the location of the inner domain inside the extended domain, defaults to the inner domain being centred. dtype : data-type, optional Data type of the data, defaults to float32. grid : Grid or any of Space or Time Grid on which the Problem is defined """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): dim = kwargs.pop('dim', None) if 'space' in kwargs and dim is None: dim = kwargs['space'].dim elif 'grid' in kwargs and dim is None: dim = kwargs['grid'].space.dim self._dim = dim super().__init__(**kwargs) def _init_shape(self, fill_shape=True): shape = () extended_shape = () inner = () if self._time_dependent: shape += (self.time.num,) extended_shape += (self.time.extended_num,) inner += (self.time.inner,) if self._slow_time_dependent: shape += (self.slow_time.num,) extended_shape += (self.slow_time.extended_num,) inner += (self.slow_time.inner,) shape += (self._dim,) extended_shape += (self._dim,) inner += (slice(0, None),) shape += extended_shape += inner += if fill_shape: self._shape = shape self._extended_shape = extended_shape self._inner = inner
[docs] def alike(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a data object that shares its characteristics with this object. The same parameters as those given to ``__init__`` are valid here. Otherwise the new object will be configured to be like this one. Returns ------- VectorField Newly created VectorField. """ kwargs['dim'] = kwargs.pop('dim', self.dim) return super().alike(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def detach(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a copy of the variable that is detached from the original graph. Returns ------- VectorField Detached variable. """ kwargs['dim'] = kwargs.pop('dim', self.dim) return super().detach(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def as_parameter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a copy of the variable that is detached from the original graph and re-initialised as a parameter. Returns ------- VectorField Detached variable. """ kwargs['dim'] = kwargs.pop('dim', self.dim) return super().as_parameter(*args, **kwargs)
@property def dim(self): """ Number of dimensions of the vector field. """ return self._dim
[docs] def plot_dims(self, **kwargs): """ Plot separated dimensions of the field. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ axes = kwargs.pop('axes', None) plot = kwargs.pop('plot', True) origin = kwargs.pop('origin', limit = kwargs.pop('limit', if axes is None: figure, axes = plt.subplots(1, self.dim) for dim in range(self.dim): title = kwargs.pop('title', '%s_%d' % (, dim)) super()._plot([dim], origin=origin, limit=limit, title=title, axis=axes[dim], **kwargs) if plot is True: return axes
def _plot(self, data, **kwargs): title = kwargs.pop('title', axis = plotting.plot_vector_field(data, title=title, **kwargs) return axis def __get_desc__(self, **kwargs): description = super().__get_desc__(**kwargs) description['dim'] = self._dim return description def __set_desc__(self, description): self._shape = description.shape self._dtype = np.dtype(description.dtype) self._time_dependent = description.time_dependent self._slow_time_dependent = description.get('slow_time_dependent', False) self._dim = description.dim if is not None: self._init_shape(fill_shape=False) data = if hasattr(data, 'load'): data = data.load() compression = description.get('compression', None) if compression: data = decompress(compression, data) data = np.frombuffer(data, self.dtype).reshape(self.shape) self.extended_data[:] = self.pad_data(data)
[docs] @mosaic.tessera class Traces(StructuredData): """ Objects of this type describe a set of time traces defined over the time grid. By default, the domain over which the field is defined is determined by the time grid provided. This can be overwritten by providing a defined ``shape`` instead. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the data. transducer_ids : list List of IDs to which the time traces correspond. shape : tuple, optional Shape of the inner domain of the data. extended_shape : tuple, optional Shape of the extended domain of the data, defaults to the ``shape``. inner : tuple, optional Tuple of slices defining the location of the inner domain inside the extended domain, defaults to the inner domain being centred. dtype : data-type, optional Data type of the data, defaults to float32. grid : Grid or any of Space or Time Grid on which the Problem is defined """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) data = kwargs.get('data', None) transducer_ids = kwargs.pop('transducer_ids', list(range(data.shape[0])) if data is not None else None) self._transducer_ids = transducer_ids if self._transducer_ids is not None and self._shape is None: shape = (len(self._transducer_ids), self.time.num) extended_shape = (len(self._transducer_ids), self.time.extended_num) inner = (slice(0, None), self.time.inner) self._shape = shape self._extended_shape = extended_shape self._inner = inner
[docs] def alike(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a data object that shares its characteristics with this object. The same parameters as those given to ``__init__`` are valid here. Otherwise the new object will be configured to be like this one. Returns ------- Traces Newly created Traces. """ kwargs['transducer_ids'] = kwargs.pop('transducer_ids', self.transducer_ids) return super().alike(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def detach(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a copy of the variable that is detached from the original graph. Returns ------- Traces Detached variable. """ kwargs['transducer_ids'] = kwargs.pop('transducer_ids', self.transducer_ids) return super().detach(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def as_parameter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a copy of the variable that is detached from the original graph and re-initialised as a parameter. Returns ------- Traces Detached variable. """ kwargs['transducer_ids'] = kwargs.pop('transducer_ids', self.transducer_ids) return super().as_parameter(*args, **kwargs)
@property def transducer_ids(self): """ List of transducer IDs associated with the traces. """ return self._transducer_ids @property def num_transducers(self): """ Number of transducers. """ return len(self._transducer_ids)
[docs] def get(self, id): """ Get one trace based on a transducer ID, selecting the inner domain. Parameters ---------- id : int Transducer ID. Returns ------- 1d-array Time trace. """ if self._data is None: self.allocate() index = list(self._transducer_ids).index(id) return[index, :]
[docs] def get_extended(self, id): """ Get one trace based on a transducer ID, selecting the extended domain. Parameters ---------- id : int Transducer ID. Returns ------- 1d-array Time trace. """ if self._data is None: self.allocate() index = list(self._transducer_ids).index(id) return self.extended_data[index, :]
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """ Plot the inner domain of the traces as a shot gather. Parameters ---------- kwargs Arguments for plotting. Returns ------- axes Axes on which the plotting is done. """ title = kwargs.pop('title', plot = kwargs.pop('plot', True) if self.time.num == self.shape[1]: time_axis = self.time.grid / 1e-6 else: time_axis = np.arange(self.shape[1]) axis = plotting.plot_gather(self.transducer_ids, time_axis,, title=title, **kwargs) if plot is True: return axis
[docs] def plot_one(self, id, **kwargs): """ Plot the the inner domain of one of the traces. Parameters ---------- id : int Transducer ID. kwargs Arguments for plotting. Returns ------- axes Axes on which the plotting is done. """ title = kwargs.pop('title', plot = kwargs.pop('plot', True) trace = self.get(id) time_axis = self.time.grid / 1e-6 axis = plotting.plot_trace(time_axis, trace, title=title, **kwargs) if plot is True: return axis
def _resample(self, factor, new_num, **kwargs): sr_orig = 1 sr_new = factor if self.allocated: data = resampy.resample(, sr_orig, sr_new, axis=1) # resample new_traces = Traces(, grid=self.grid, transducer_ids=self._transducer_ids, data=data) else: new_traces = Traces(, grid=self.grid, transducer_ids=self._transducer_ids) return new_traces def __get_desc__(self, **kwargs): description = super().__get_desc__(**kwargs) description['num_transducers'] = self.num_transducers description['transducer_ids'] = self._transducer_ids return description def __set_desc__(self, description): super().__set_desc__(description) self._transducer_ids = description.transducer_ids
@mosaic.tessera class SparseField(StructuredData): """ Objects of this type describe a sparse field defined at discrete points. Sparse fields can also be time-dependent. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the data. num : int Number of points in the field. dim : int Number of dimensions at every point in the field, defaults to 1. time_dependent : bool, optional Whether or not the field is time-dependent, defaults to False. slow_time_dependent : bool, optional Whether or not the field is slow-time dependent, defaults to False. shape : tuple, optional Shape of the inner domain of the data. extended_shape : tuple, optional Shape of the extended domain of the data, defaults to the ``shape``. inner : tuple, optional Tuple of slices defining the location of the inner domain inside the extended domain, defaults to the inner domain being centred. dtype : data-type, optional Data type of the data, defaults to float32. grid : Grid or any of Space or Time Grid on which the Problem is defined """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) num = kwargs.pop('num', 1) dim = kwargs.pop('dim', 1) time_dependent = kwargs.pop('time_dependent', False) slow_time_dependent = kwargs.pop('slow_time_dependent', False) self._num = num self._dim = dim self._time_dependent = time_dependent self._slow_time_dependent = slow_time_dependent if self._shape is None: self._init_shape() def _init_shape(self, fill_shape=True): shape = () extended_shape = () inner = () if self._time_dependent: shape += (self.time.num,) extended_shape += (self.time.extended_num,) inner += (self.time.inner,) if self._slow_time_dependent: shape += (self.slow_time.num,) extended_shape += (self.slow_time.extended_num,) inner += (self.slow_time.inner,) if self.dim > 1: shape += (self.num, self.dim) extended_shape += (self.num, self.dim) inner += (slice(0, None), slice(0, None)) else: shape += (self.num,) extended_shape += (self.num,) inner += (slice(0, None),) if fill_shape: self._shape = shape self._extended_shape = extended_shape self._inner = inner def alike(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a data object that shares its characteristics with this object. The same parameters as those given to ``__init__`` are valid here. Otherwise the new object will be configured to be like this one. Returns ------- ParticleField Newly created ScalarField. """ kwargs['num'] = kwargs.pop('num', self.num) kwargs['dim'] = kwargs.pop('dim', self.dim) kwargs['time_dependent'] = kwargs.pop('time_dependent', self.time_dependent) kwargs['slow_time_dependent'] = kwargs.pop('slow_time_dependent', self.time_dependent) return super().alike(*args, **kwargs) def detach(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a copy of the variable that is detached from the original graph. Returns ------- ParticleField Detached variable. """ kwargs['num'] = kwargs.pop('num', self.num) kwargs['dim'] = kwargs.pop('dim', self.dim) kwargs['time_dependent'] = kwargs.pop('time_dependent', self.time_dependent) kwargs['slow_time_dependent'] = kwargs.pop('slow_time_dependent', self.time_dependent) return super().detach(*args, **kwargs) def as_parameter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a copy of the variable that is detached from the original graph and re-initialised as a parameter. Returns ------- ScalarField Detached variable. """ kwargs['num'] = kwargs.pop('num', self.num) kwargs['dim'] = kwargs.pop('dim', self.dim) kwargs['time_dependent'] = kwargs.pop('time_dependent', self.time_dependent) kwargs['slow_time_dependent'] = kwargs.pop('slow_time_dependent', self.time_dependent) return super().as_parameter(*args, **kwargs) @property def num(self): """ Number of elements in the field. """ return self._num @property def dim(self): """ Number of elements in the field. """ return self._dim @property def time_dependent(self): """ Whether or not the field is time dependent. """ return self._time_dependent @property def slow_time_dependent(self): """ Whether or not the field is slow-time dependent. """ return self._slow_time_dependent def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def __get_desc__(self, **kwargs): description = super().__get_desc__(**kwargs) description['num'] = self._num description['dim'] = self._dim description['time_dependent'] = self._time_dependent description['slow_time_dependent'] = self._slow_time_dependent return description def __set_desc__(self, description): self._shape = description.shape self._dtype = np.dtype(description.dtype) self._num = description.num self._dim = description.dim self._slow_time_dependent = description.get('slow_time_dependent', False) if is not None: self._init_shape(fill_shape=False) data = if hasattr(data, 'load'): data = data.load() self.extended_data[:] = self.pad_data(data) @mosaic.tessera class ParticleField(SparseField): """ Objects of this type describe a sparse particle field defined over the spatial grid. Particle fields can also be time-dependent. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the data. num : int Number of particles in the field. time_dependent : bool, optional Whether or not the field is time-dependent, defaults to False. slow_time_dependent : bool, optional Whether or not the field is slow-time dependent, defaults to True. shape : tuple, optional Shape of the inner domain of the data. extended_shape : tuple, optional Shape of the extended domain of the data, defaults to the ``shape``. inner : tuple, optional Tuple of slices defining the location of the inner domain inside the extended domain, defaults to the inner domain being centred. dtype : data-type, optional Data type of the data, defaults to float32. grid : Grid or any of Space or Time Grid on which the Problem is defined """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): dim = kwargs.pop('dim', None) if 'space' in kwargs and dim is None: dim = kwargs['space'].dim elif 'grid' in kwargs and dim is None: dim = kwargs['grid'].space.dim super().__init__(dim=dim, **kwargs) def plot(self, **kwargs): """ Plot the particle the field. Parameters ---------- kwargs Arguments for plotting. Returns ------- axes Axes on which the plotting is done. """ plot = kwargs.pop('plot', True) if self.slow_time_dependent and == 2: def update(figure, axis, step): axis.clear() self._plot([int(step)], axis=axis, **kwargs) axis.set_title(axis.get_title() + ' - slow time step %d' % step) figure.canvas.draw_idle() axis = self._plot_time(update) else: slow_t = kwargs.pop('slow_t', 0) axis = self._plot([slow_t]/np.array(, **kwargs) if plot is True: return axis def _plot(self, data, **kwargs): title = kwargs.pop('title', colour = kwargs.pop('colour', 'k') size = kwargs.pop('size', 1) origin = kwargs.pop('origin', limit = kwargs.pop('limit', data = data.reshape((-1, axis = plotting.plot_points(data, title=title, colour=colour, size=size, origin=origin, limit=limit, **kwargs) return axis def _plot_time(self, update): if not ENABLED_2D_PLOTTING: return None figure, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.25) axis.margins(x=0) ax_shot = plt.axes([0.15, 0.1, 0.7, 0.03]) slider = Slider(ax_shot, 'time', 0, self.slow_time.num-1, valinit=0, valstep=1) update = functools.partial(update, figure, axis) update(0) slider.on_changed(update) axis.slider = slider return axis