Source code for stride.problem.base

from mosaic import h5

from .domain import Space, Time, SlowTime, Grid

__all__ = ['Gridded', 'Saved', 'GriddedSaved', 'ProblemBase']

[docs] class Gridded: """ Objects of this type are defined over a spatio-temporal grid. This grid can be provided either as a Grid object or as any of Space, Time or SlowTime objects that define a grid. Parameters ---------- grid : Grid, optional Existing grid, if not provided one will be created. space : Space, optional time : Time, optional slow_time : SlowTime, optional """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): grid = kwargs.pop('grid', None) space = kwargs.pop('space', None) time = kwargs.pop('time', None) slow_time = kwargs.pop('slow_time', None) if grid is None: grid = Grid(space, time, slow_time) else: grid = Grid(, grid.time, grid.slow_time) self._grid = grid @property def grid(self): """ Access the grid. """ return self._grid @property def space(self): """ Access the space grid. """ return @property def time(self): """ Access the time grid. """ return self._grid.time @property def slow_time(self): """ Access the slow time grid. """ return self._grid.slow_time
[docs] def resample(self, grid=None, space=None, time=None, slow_time=None): raise NotImplementedError('Resampling has not been implemented yet.')
[docs] class Saved: """ Saved objects include helper functions to interact with the file system. Classes that inherit from Saved need to define ``__get_desc__`` and ``__set_desc__`` to define how the object is described to be saved and how a loaded description is digested by the class respectively. ``__get_desc__`` expects a dict-like object with all the attributes that need to be stored to disk and is called when dumping the object. ``__set_desc__`` will take a dict-like object as a parameter, which it can then be used to set the state of the object, and is called when loading it. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the saved object. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): = kwargs.pop('name', self.__class__.__name__.lower())
[docs] def dump(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Dump the object according to the ``__get_desc__`` description. See :class:`~mosaic.file_manipulation.h5.HDF5` for more information on the parameters of this method. Returns ------- """ description = self.__get_desc__(**kwargs) kwargs['parameter'] = kwargs.get('parameter', with h5.HDF5(*args, **kwargs, mode='w') as file: file.dump(description)
[docs] def append(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Append the object to a file according to the ``__get_desc__`` description. See :class:`~mosaic.file_manipulation.h5.HDF5` for more information on the parameters of this method. Returns ------- """ kwargs['parameter'] = kwargs.get('parameter', if not h5.file_exists(*args, **kwargs): self.dump(*args, **kwargs) return description = self.__get_desc__(**kwargs) with h5.HDF5(*args, **kwargs, mode='a') as file: file.append(description)
[docs] def load(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Load the object using ``__set_desc__`` to digest the description. See :class:`~mosaic.file_manipulation.h5.HDF5` for more information on the parameters of this method. Returns ------- """ kwargs['parameter'] = with h5.HDF5(*args, **kwargs, mode='r') as file: description = file.load(filter=kwargs.pop('filter', None), only=kwargs.pop('only', None)) self.__set_desc__(description)
[docs] def rm(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Remove file. See :class:`~mosaic.file_manipulation.h5.rm` for more information on the parameters of this method. Returns ------- """ kwargs['parameter'] = h5.rm(*args, **kwargs, mode='r')
def __get_desc__(self, **kwargs): return {} def __set_desc__(self, description): pass
[docs] class GriddedSaved(Saved, Gridded): """ Objects of this type are include utils to dump and load the instance, taking into account that it is defined over a grid. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): Saved.__init__(self, **kwargs) Gridded.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def dump(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Dump the object according to the ``__get_desc__`` description. It will ensure that the grid of the instance is also dumped to disk. See :class:`~mosaic.file_manipulation.h5.HDF5` for more information on the parameters of this method. Returns ------- """ grid_description = self.grid_description() description = self.__get_desc__(**kwargs) grid_description.update(description) kwargs['parameter'] = kwargs.get('parameter', with h5.HDF5(*args, **kwargs, mode='w') as file: file.dump(grid_description)
[docs] def append(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Append the object to a file according to the ``__get_desc__`` description. It will ensure that the grid of the instance is also dumped to disk. See :class:`~mosaic.file_manipulation.h5.HDF5` for more information on the parameters of this method. Returns ------- """ kwargs['parameter'] = kwargs.get('parameter', if not h5.file_exists(*args, **kwargs): self.dump(*args, **kwargs) return grid_description = self.grid_description() description = self.__get_desc__(**kwargs) grid_description.update(description) with h5.HDF5(*args, **kwargs, mode='a') as file: file.append(grid_description)
[docs] def load(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Load the object using ``__set_desc__`` to digest the description. It will use the grid loaded from file to determine the grid of the instance. See :class:`~mosaic.file_manipulation.h5.HDF5` for more information on the parameters of this method. Returns ------- """ kwargs['parameter'] = with h5.HDF5(*args, **kwargs, mode='r') as file: description = file.load(filter=kwargs.pop('filter', None), only=kwargs.pop('only', None)) # TODO If there's already a grid and they don't match, resample instead if 'space' in description and is None: space = Space(,,, = space if 'time' in description and self._grid.time is None: time = Time(start=description.time.start, stop=description.time.stop, step=description.time.step, num=description.time.num) self._grid.time = time if 'slow_time' in description and self._grid.slow_time is None: slow_time = SlowTime(frame_step=description.slow_time.frame_step, frame_rate=description.slow_time.frame_rate, num_frame=description.slow_time.num_frame, acq_step=description.slow_time.acq_step, acq_rate=description.slow_time.acq_rate, num_acq=description.slow_time.num_acq) self._grid.slow_time = slow_time self.__set_desc__(description)
[docs] def grid_description(self): """ Get a description of the grid of the object. Returns ------- dict Description of the grid. """ grid_description = dict() if is not None: space = grid_description['space'] = { 'shape': space.shape, 'spacing': space.spacing, 'extra': space.extra, 'absorbing': space.absorbing, } if self.time is not None: time = self.time grid_description['time'] = { 'start': time.start, 'stop': time.stop, 'step': time.step, 'num': time.num, } if self.slow_time is not None: slow_time = self.slow_time grid_description['slow_time'] = { 'start': slow_time.start, 'stop': slow_time.stop, 'frame_step': slow_time.frame_step, 'frame_rate': slow_time.frame_rate, 'num_frame': slow_time.num_frame, 'acq_step': slow_time.acq_step, 'acq_rate': slow_time.acq_rate, 'num_acq': slow_time.num_acq, } return grid_description
[docs] def resample(self, grid=None, space=None, time=None, slow_time=None): super().resample(grid=grid, space=space, time=time, slow_time=slow_time)
[docs] class ProblemBase(GriddedSaved): """ Base class for the different components of the problem that need to have access to it and that also create sub-problems. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the object. problem : Problem Problem to which the object belongs. grid : Grid or any of Space or Time Grid on which the object is defined """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): problem = kwargs.pop('problem', None) if problem is not None: kwargs['space'] = kwargs.get('space', kwargs['time'] = kwargs.get('time', problem.time) kwargs['slow_time'] = kwargs.get('slow_time', problem.slow_time) super().__init__(**kwargs) self._problem = problem @property def problem(self): """ Access problem object. """ return self._problem
[docs] def sub_problem(self, shot, sub_problem): """ Create a subset object for a certain shot. A SubProblem contains everything that is needed to fully determine how to run a particular shot. This method takes care of selecting the portions of the object that are needed for a given shot. By default, this has no effect. Parameters ---------- shot : Shot Shot for which the SubProblem is being generated. sub_problem : SubProblem Container for the sub-problem being generated. Returns ------- ProblemBase ProblemBase instance. """ return self