Source code for stride.optimisation.optimisers.gradient_descent

from .optimiser import LocalOptimiser

__all__ = ['GradientDescent']

[docs] class GradientDescent(LocalOptimiser): """ Implementation of a gradient descent update. Parameters ---------- variable : Variable Variable to which the optimiser refers. step : float, optional Step size for the update, defaults to 1. kwargs Extra parameters to be used by the class. """ def __init__(self, variable, **kwargs): super().__init__(variable, **kwargs) self.step_size = kwargs.pop('step_size', 1.)
[docs] async def step(self, step_size=None, grad=None, processed_grad=None, **kwargs): """ Apply the optimiser. Parameters ---------- step_size : float, optional Step size to use for this application, defaults to instance step. grad : Data, optional Gradient to use for the step, defaults to variable gradient. processed_grad : Data, optional Processed gradient to use for the step, defaults to processed variable gradient. kwargs Extra parameters to be used by the method. Returns ------- Variable Updated variable. """ step_size = self.step_size if step_size is None else step_size processed_grad = await self.pre_process(grad=grad, processed_grad=processed_grad, **kwargs) direction = processed_grad[:] -= step_size* await self.post_process(**kwargs) return self.variable
[docs] def reset(self, **kwargs): """ Reset optimiser state along with any stored buffers. Parameters ---------- kwargs Extra parameters to be used by the method. Returns ------- """ pass