Source code for stride.optimisation.optimisation_loop

from collections import OrderedDict

from ..problem.base import Saved
from .loss.functional import FunctionalValue

__all__ = ['Iteration', 'Block', 'OptimisationLoop']

[docs] class Iteration: """ Objects of this class contain information about the iteration, such as the value of the functional. Parameters ---------- id : int Numerical ID of the iteration. abs_id : int Numerical ID of the iteration in absolute, global terms. block : Block Block to which the iteration belongs. opt_loop : OptimisationLoop Loop to which the iteration belongs. """ def __init__(self, id, abs_id, block, opt_loop): = id self.abs_id = abs_id self._block = block self._optimisation_loop = opt_loop self._submitted_shots = [] self._completed_shots = [] self._fun = OrderedDict() self._step_fun = OrderedDict() @property def fun_value(self): """ Functional value for this iteration across all shots. """ return sum([each.fun_value for each in self._fun.values()]) @property def step_fun_value(self): """ Functional value for this iteration across all shots after step. """ return sum([each.fun_value for each in self._step_fun.values()]) @property def num_submitted(self): """ Number of shots submitted in this iteration. """ return len(self._submitted_shots) @property def num_completed(self): """ Number of shots completed in this iteration """ return len(self._completed_shots)
[docs] def add_fun(self, fun): """ Add a functional value for a particular shot to the iteration. Parameters ---------- fun : FunctionalValue Returns ------- """ self._fun[fun.shot_id] = fun
[docs] def add_step_fun(self, fun): """ Add a functional value, after step, for a particular shot to the iteration. Parameters ---------- fun : FunctionalValue Returns ------- """ self._step_fun[fun.shot_id] = fun
[docs] def add_submitted(self, shot): """ Add a submitted shot. Parameters ---------- shot : Shot Returns ------- """ self._submitted_shots.append(
[docs] def add_completed(self, shot): """ Add a completed shot. Parameters ---------- shot : Shot Returns ------- """ self._completed_shots.append(
def __get_desc__(self, **kwargs): description = { 'id':, 'abs_id': self.abs_id, 'submitted_shots': self._submitted_shots, 'completed_shots': self._completed_shots, 'functional_values': [], } for fun in self._fun.values(): description['functional_values'].append({ 'shot_id': fun.shot_id, 'fun_value': fun.fun_value, }) return description def __set_desc__(self, description): = self.abs_id = description.abs_id self._submitted_shots = description.submitted_shots self._completed_shots = description.completed_shots for fun_desc in description.functional_values: fun = FunctionalValue(fun_desc.fun_value, fun_desc.shot_id) self._fun[fun.shot_id] = fun _serialisation_attrs = ['id', 'abs_id', '_submitted_shots', '_completed_shots', '_fun'] def _serialisation_helper(self): state = {} for attr in self._serialisation_attrs: state[attr] = getattr(self, attr) return state @classmethod def _deserialisation_helper(cls, state): instance = cls.__new__(cls) for attr, value in state.items(): setattr(instance, attr, value) return instance def __reduce__(self): state = self._serialisation_helper() return self._deserialisation_helper, (state,)
[docs] class Block: """ A block determines a set of conditions that is maintained over a number of iterations, such as the frequency band used or the step size applied. The iteration loop of the block can be started using the generator ``Block.iterations`` as: >>> for iteration in block.iterations(num_iterations, *iterators): >>> pass Parameters ---------- id : int Numerical ID of the block. opt_loop : OptimisationLoop Loop to which the block belongs. """ def __init__(self, id, opt_loop, **kwargs): = id self._optimisation_loop = opt_loop self._num_iterations = None self._iterations = OrderedDict() self._current_iteration = None self.restart = False @property def num_iterations(self): """ Number of iterations in the block. """ return self._num_iterations @property def current_iteration(self): """ Get current active iteration. """ return self._current_iteration @property def fun_value(self): """ Functional value for this block across all iterations. """ return sum([each.fun_value for each in self._iterations.values()])
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear the block. Returns ------- """ self._num_iterations = None self._iterations = OrderedDict() self._current_iteration = None
[docs] def iterations(self, num, *iters, restart=None, restart_id=-1): """ Generator of iterations. Parameters ---------- num : int Number of iterations to generate. iters : tuple, optional Any other iterables to zip with the iterations. restart : int or bool, optional Whether or not attempt to restart the loop from a previous iteration. Defaults to the value given to the loop. restart_id : int, optional If an integer greater than zero, it will restart from a specific iteration. Otherwise, it will restart from the latest available iteration. Returns ------- iterable Iteration iterables. """ loop_restart = self._optimisation_loop.restart restart = loop_restart if restart is None else restart self.restart = restart if restart is False: self.clear() else: if type(restart_id) is int and restart_id < 0: iteration = Iteration(, self._optimisation_loop.running_id, self, self._optimisation_loop) self._iterations[] = iteration self._optimisation_loop.running_id += 1 self._current_iteration = iteration elif type(restart_id) is int and restart_id >= 0: if restart_id not in self._iterations: raise ValueError('Iteration %d does not exist, so loop cannot be ' 'restarted from that point' % restart_id) self._current_iteration = self._iterations[restart_id] for index in range(restart_id+1, self._num_iterations): if index in self._iterations: del self._iterations[index] if self._current_iteration is not None: self._optimisation_loop.running_id = self._current_iteration.abs_id+1 if self._num_iterations is None: self._num_iterations = num for zipped in zip(range(self._num_iterations), *iters): index = zipped[0] if self._current_iteration is not None \ and index < continue if index not in self._iterations: iteration = Iteration(index, self._optimisation_loop.running_id, self, self._optimisation_loop) self._iterations[index] = iteration self._optimisation_loop.running_id += 1 self._current_iteration = self._iterations[index] if len(zipped) > 1: yield (self._iterations[index],) + zipped[1:] else: yield self._iterations[index] self._optimisation_loop.started = True self._optimisation_loop.dump()
def __get_desc__(self, **kwargs): description = { 'id':, 'num_iterations': self._num_iterations, 'current_iteration': self._current_iteration.__get_desc__(), 'iterations': [], } for iteration in self._iterations.values(): description['iterations'].append(iteration.__get_desc__()) return description def __set_desc__(self, description): = self._num_iterations = description.num_iterations for iter_desc in description.iterations: iteration = Iteration(, iter_desc.abs_id, self, self._optimisation_loop) iteration.__set_desc__(iter_desc) self._iterations[] = iteration self._current_iteration = self._iterations[]
[docs] class OptimisationLoop(Saved): """ Objects of this class act as managers of a local optimisation process. The general convention is to divide the optimisation process in blocks and iterations, although that doesn't have to be the case. A block determines a set of conditions that is maintained over a number of iterations, such as the frequency band used or the step size applied. Blocks are generated through ``Optimisation.blocks``: >>> for block in optimisation.blocks(num_blocks, *iterators): >>> block.config(...) >>> The default running behaviour of the optimisation is obtained when calling ``, problem)``: >>> for block in optimisation.blocks(num_blocks, *iterators): >>> block.config(...) >>> await, problem) but iterations can also be run manually: >>> for block in optimisation.blocks(num_blocks, *iterators): >>> block.config(...) >>> >>> for iteration in block.iterations(num_iterations, *iterators): >>> pass Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Optional name for the optimisation object. """ def __init__(self, name='optimisation_loop', **kwargs): super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs) self._num_blocks = None self._blocks = OrderedDict() self._current_block = None self.restart = False self.running_id = 0 self.started = False self._problem = kwargs.pop('problem', None) self._file_kwargs = {} @property def num_blocks(self): """ Get number of blocks. """ return self._num_blocks @property def current_block(self): """ Get current active block. """ return self._current_block @property def problem(self): """ Access problem object. """ return self._problem
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear the loop. Returns ------- """ self._num_blocks = None self._blocks = OrderedDict() self._current_block = None self.running_id = 0
[docs] def blocks(self, num, *iters, restart=False, restart_id=-1, **kwargs): """ Generator for the blocks of the optimisation. Parameters ---------- num : int Number of blocks to generate. iters : tuple, optional Any other iterables to zip with the blocks. restart : int or bool, optional Whether or not attempt to restart the loop from a previous block. Defaults to ``False``. restart_id : int, optional If an integer greater than zero, it will restart from a specific block. Otherwise, it will restart from the latest available block. Returns ------- iterable Blocks iterable. """ self.restart = restart if self.restart is False: self.clear() else: self._file_kwargs = kwargs try: load_kwargs = dict(path=self.problem.output_folder,, version=0) load_kwargs.update(kwargs) self.load(**load_kwargs) if type(restart_id) is int and restart_id >= 0: if restart_id not in self._blocks: raise ValueError('Block %d does not exist, so loop cannot be ' 'restarted from that point' % restart_id) self._current_block = self._blocks[restart_id] last_iter = list(self._current_block._iterations.values())[-1] self.running_id = last_iter.abs_id if restart_id-1 in self._blocks: prev_block = self._blocks[restart_id-1] last_iter = prev_block._iterations[prev_block.num_iterations-1] self.running_id = last_iter.abs_id for index in range(restart_id+1, self._num_blocks): if index in self._blocks: del self._blocks[index] except (OSError, AttributeError): self.clear() self.restart = False if self._num_blocks is None: self._num_blocks = num for zipped in zip(range(num), *iters): index = zipped[0] if self._current_block is not None \ and index < continue if index not in self._blocks: block = Block(index, self) self._blocks[index] = block self._current_block = self._blocks[index] if len(zipped) > 1: yield (self._blocks[index],) + zipped[1:] else: yield self._blocks[index] self.restart = False
[docs] def dump(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Dump latest version of the loop to a file. See :class:`~stride.problem.base.Saved` for more information on the parameters of this method. Parameters ---------- args kwargs Returns ------- """ try: dump_kwargs = dict(path=self.problem.output_folder,, version=0) dump_kwargs.update(self._file_kwargs) super().dump(*args, **dump_kwargs) except AttributeError: pass
def __get_desc__(self, **kwargs): description = { 'running_id': self.running_id, 'num_blocks': self._num_blocks, 'current_block': self._current_block.__get_desc__(), 'blocks': [], } for block in self._blocks.values(): description['blocks'].append(block.__get_desc__()) return description def __set_desc__(self, description): self.running_id = description.running_id self._num_blocks = description.num_blocks for block_desc in description.blocks: block = Block(, self) block.__set_desc__(block_desc) self._blocks[] = block self._current_block = self._blocks[]