Source code for mosaic.runtime.utils

import uuid
import copy
import time
from collections import OrderedDict

from ..file_manipulation import h5

__all__ = ['MonitoredResource', 'MonitoredObject']

[docs] class MonitoredResource: """ Base class for those that keep track of the state of a Mosaic runtime, """ def __init__(self, uid): self.uid = = uid self.history = [] self.sub_resources = dict() self._last_update = 0 self._last_append = 0 @property def state(self): try: return self.history[-1]['state'] except IndexError: return None @state.setter def state(self, value): last_event = copy.deepcopy(self.history[-1]) last_event['state'] = value self.update(last_event)
[docs] def update(self, update, **kwargs): if not isinstance(update, list): update = [update] self.history.extend(update) for group_name, group_update in kwargs.items(): self.add_group(group_name) group = self.sub_resources[group_name] for name, resource in group_update.items(): self.add_resource(group_name, name) group[name].update(resource)
[docs] def get_update(self): history = self.history[self._last_update:] self._last_update = len(self.history) sub_resources = OrderedDict() for group_name, group in self.sub_resources.items(): sub_resources[group_name] = OrderedDict() for name, resource in group.items(): sub_resources[group_name][name] = resource.get_update()[0] return history, sub_resources
[docs] def append(self, filename=None): history = self.history[self._last_append:] node_description = {} for index, item in enumerate(history): label = 'history_%08d' % (self._last_append + index) node_description[label] = item self._last_append = len(self.history) sub_description = {} for group_name, group in self.sub_resources.items(): group_description = dict() for name, resource in group.items(): resource_description = resource.append() group_description[name] = resource_description sub_description[group_name] = group_description description = { 'history': node_description, 'sub_resources': sub_description, } if filename is None: return description if not h5.file_exists(filename=filename): with h5.HDF5(filename=filename, mode='w') as file: file.dump(description) else: with h5.HDF5(filename=filename, mode='a') as file: file.append(description)
[docs] def add_group(self, group_name): if group_name not in self.sub_resources: self.sub_resources[group_name] = OrderedDict() return self.sub_resources[group_name]
[docs] def add_resource(self, group_name, name): group = self.sub_resources[group_name] if name not in group: group[name] = MonitoredResource(name) return group[name]
[docs] def sort_resources(self, group_name, key, desc=False): group = self.sub_resources[group_name] self.sub_resources[group_name] = OrderedDict(sorted(group.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].history[-1][key], reverse=desc))
[docs] class MonitoredObject: """ Base class for those that keep track of the state of a Mosaic object, """ def __init__(self, runtime_id, uid, tessera_id=None): self.uid = uid self.runtime_id = runtime_id if tessera_id is not None: self.tessera_id = tessera_id self.proxy_events = OrderedDict() self.proxy_profiles = OrderedDict() self.remote_events = [] self.remote_profiles = [] self._last_proxy_event = dict() self._last_proxy_profile = dict() self._last_remote_event = 0 self._last_remote_profile = 0 @property def state(self): try: return self.remote_events[-1]['name'] except IndexError: return None @state.setter def state(self, value): event = { 'name': 'collected', 'event_t': time.time(), } self.remote_events.append(event)
[docs] def collect(self): event = { 'name': 'collected', 'event_t': time.time(), } if self.state != 'collected': self.remote_events.append(event) for runtime_id, proxy in self.proxy_events.items(): if proxy[-1]['name'] != 'collected': proxy.append(event)
[docs] def add_event(self, runtime_id, event_type, event_name, **kwargs): event_uid = uuid.uuid4().hex event = dict(name=event_name, event_uid=event_uid, **kwargs) if event_type == 'proxy': if runtime_id not in self.proxy_events: self.proxy_events[runtime_id] = [] self.proxy_events[runtime_id].append(event) elif event_type == 'remote': self.remote_events.append(event)
[docs] def add_profile(self, runtime_id, profile_type, profile): if profile_type == 'proxy': if runtime_id not in self.proxy_profiles: self.proxy_profiles[runtime_id] = [] self.proxy_profiles[runtime_id].append(profile) elif profile_type == 'remote': self.remote_profiles.append(profile)
[docs] def append(self, filename=None): remote_events = self.remote_events[self._last_remote_event:] remote_profiles = self.remote_profiles[self._last_remote_profile:] remote_events_description = {} for index, item in enumerate(remote_events): label = 'history_%08d' % (self._last_remote_event + index) remote_events_description[label] = item remote_profiles_description = {} for index, item in enumerate(remote_profiles): label = 'history_%08d' % (self._last_remote_profile + index) remote_profiles_description[label] = item self._last_remote_event = len(self.remote_events) self._last_remote_profile = len(self.remote_profiles) proxy_events_description = {} for proxy_name, proxy in self.proxy_events.items(): try: last_event = self._last_proxy_event[proxy_name] except KeyError: last_event = 0 proxy_events = proxy[last_event:] proxy_description = {} for index, item in enumerate(proxy_events): label = 'history_%08d' % (last_event + index) proxy_description[label] = item proxy_events_description[proxy_name] = proxy_description self._last_proxy_event[proxy_name] = len(proxy) proxy_profiles_description = {} for proxy_name, proxy in self.proxy_profiles.items(): try: last_profile = self._last_proxy_profile[proxy_name] except KeyError: last_profile = 0 proxy_profiles = proxy[last_profile:] proxy_description = {} for index, item in enumerate(proxy_profiles): label = 'history_%08d' % (last_profile + index) proxy_description[label] = item proxy_profiles_description[proxy_name] = proxy_description self._last_proxy_profile[proxy_name] = len(proxy) description = { 'uid': self.uid, 'runtime_id': self.runtime_id, 'remote_events': remote_events_description, 'remote_profiles': remote_profiles_description, 'proxy_events': proxy_events_description, 'proxy_profiles': proxy_profiles_description, } if hasattr(self, 'tessera_id'): description['tessera_id'] = self.tessera_id if filename is None: return description if not h5.file_exists(filename=filename): with h5.HDF5(filename=filename, mode='w') as file: file.dump(description) else: with h5.HDF5(filename=filename, mode='a') as file: file.append(description)