Source code for mosaic.core.tessera

import sys
import uuid
import copy
import tblib
import asyncio
import inspect
import weakref
import functools
import contextlib
import cloudpickle
from cached_property import cached_property

import mosaic
from .. import types
from .task import TaskProxy
from .base import Base, CMDBase, RemoteBase, ProxyBase, RuntimeDisconnectedError
from ..types import WarehouseObject
from ..utils.event_loop import AwaitableOnly

__all__ = ['Tessera', 'TesseraProxy', 'ArrayProxy', 'ParameterMixin', 'tessera']

def _extract_methods(cls, exclude):
    methods = inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate=inspect.isfunction)
    cls_methods = [method for method in methods if not method[0].startswith('__')
                   and method[0] not in exclude]
    cls_magic_methods = [method for method in methods if method[0].startswith('__')
                         and method[0] not in exclude]

    cls_method_names = [method[0] for method in cls_methods]
    cls_magic_method_names = [method[0] for method in cls_magic_methods]

    return cls_methods, cls_magic_methods, cls_method_names, cls_magic_method_names

def _extract_attrs(cls, exclude):
    attrs = inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate=lambda x: not inspect.isfunction(x) and not inspect.ismethod(x))
    cls_attrs = [attr for attr in attrs if attr[0] not in exclude]
    cls_attrs_names = [attr[0] for attr in cls_attrs]

    return cls_attrs, cls_attrs_names

[docs] class Tessera(RemoteBase): """ A tessera is an actor in the mosaic parallelism model. A tessera represents an object that is instantiated in a remote portion of the network, and which we reference through a proxy. This proxy allows us to execute methods on that remote object simply by calling the method. A tessera is kept in memory at the worker for as long as there are proxy references to it. If none exist, it will be made available for garbage collection. Objects of class Tessera should not be instantiated directly by the user and the ``@mosaic.tessera`` decorator should be used instead. Parameters ---------- cls : type Class of the remote object. uid : str UID assigned to the tessera. """ type = 'tessera' def __init__(self, cls, uid, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(uid, *args, **kwargs) kwargs = self._fill_config(**kwargs) self._state = None self._is_parameter = False self._task_queue = asyncio.Queue() self._run_queue = asyncio.Queue() self._task_lock = asyncio.Lock() self._cls = cls self._obj = None self._cls_methods = [] self._cls_magic_methods = [] self._cls_method_names = [] self._cls_magic_method_names = [] self._cls_attrs = [] self._init_cls(*args, **kwargs) self._set_cls() self.runtime.register(self) self.state_changed('init') self.listen() def _set_cls(self): obj = self.obj exclude = dir(self) cls_methods, cls_magic_methods, \ cls_method_names, cls_magic_method_names = _extract_methods(obj, exclude) cls_attrs, cls_attr_names = _extract_attrs(obj, exclude) self._cls_methods = cls_methods self._cls_magic_methods = cls_magic_methods self._cls_attrs = cls_attrs self._cls_method_names = cls_method_names self._cls_magic_method_names = cls_magic_method_names self._cls_attr_names = cls_attr_names @cached_property def remote_runtime(self): """ Proxies that have references to this tessera. """ return {self.proxy(each) for each in list(self._proxies)}
[docs] @classmethod def remote_cls(cls): """ Class of the remote. """ return TesseraProxy
@property def obj(self): """ Internal object. """ if self.is_parameter: return self._obj() else: return self._obj @property def is_parameter(self): return self._is_parameter @property def collectable(self): """ Whether the object is ready for collection. """ return self._state != 'init' def _init_cls(self, *args, **kwargs): cached = kwargs.pop('cached', False) try: self._obj = self._cls(*args, **kwargs) setattr(self._obj, '_tessera', self) setattr(self._obj, '_cached', cached) except Exception: self.retries += 1 if self.retries > self.max_retries: raise else: self.logger.error('Tessera %s failed, attempting ' 'retry %d out of %s' % (self.uid, self.retries, self.max_retries)) return self._init_cls(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def make_parameter(self): """ Transform the tessera into a parameter and return the object. Returns ------- object """ self._is_parameter = True self.is_async = True obj = self._obj self._obj = weakref.ref(obj, self._dec_parameter_ref()) return obj
[docs] def get_attr(self, item): """ Access attributes from the underlying object. Parameters ---------- item : str Name of the attribute. Returns ------- """ return getattr(self.obj, item)
[docs] def set_attr(self, item, value): """ Set attributes on the underlying object. Parameters ---------- item : str Name of the attribute. value : object Returns ------- """ return setattr(self.obj, item, value)
[docs] def queue_task(self, task): """ Add a task to the queue of the tessera. Parameters ---------- task : Task Returns ------- """ self._task_queue.put_nowait(task)
[docs] def listen(self): """ Start the listening loop that consumes tasks. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ if self._state != 'init': return
[docs] async def listen_async(self): """ Listening loop that consumes tasks from the tessera queue and tries to retrieve their arguments. Returns ------- """ if self._state != 'init': return self.state_changed('listening') while True: sender_id, task = await self._task_queue.get() # Make sure that the loop does not keep implicit references to the task until the # next task arrives in the queue self._task_queue.task_done() if type(task) is str and task == 'stop': self._put_run_queue(sender_id=sender_id, task=task, future=None) break future = await task.prepare_args() if self.is_async: future.add_done_callback(functools.partial(self._put_run_queue, sender_id=sender_id, task=task, future=future)) else: self._put_run_queue(sender_id=sender_id, task=task, future=future)
[docs] async def run_async(self): """ Loop that runs tasks once inputs are ready. Returns ------- """ if self._state != 'listening': return while True: sender_id, task, future = await self._run_queue.get() # Make sure that the loop does not keep implicit references to the task until the # next task arrives in the queue self._run_queue.task_done() if type(task) is str and task == 'stop': break await future if task.state == 'failed': continue method = getattr(self.obj, task.method, False) async with self.send_exception(task=task): if method is False: raise AttributeError('Class %s does not have method %s' % (self.obj.__class__.__name__, task.method)) if not callable(method): raise ValueError('Method %s of class %s is not callable' % (task.method, self.obj.__class__.__name__)) await asyncio.sleep(0) await self.logger.send() await self.call_safe(sender_id, method, task) del task del method self.runtime.dec_running_tasks() self.state_changed('stopped')
[docs] async def call_safe(self, sender_id, method, task): """ Call a method while handling exceptions, which will be sent back to the sender if they arise. Parameters ---------- sender_id : str UID of the original caller. method : callable Method to execute. task : Task Task that has asked for the execution of the method. Returns ------- """ async with self._task_lock: async with self.send_exception(sender_id, method, task): if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(method): future =, *task.args_value(), **task.kwargs_value()) else: future = self.loop.run_in_executor(method, *task.args_value(), **task.kwargs_value()) result = await future await task.set_result(result)
[docs] @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def send_exception(self, sender_id=None, method=None, task=None): """ Context manager that handles exceptions by sending them back to the ``uid``. Parameters ---------- sender_id : str Remote UID. method : callable Method being executed. task : Task Task that has asked for the execution of the method. Returns ------- """ try: yield except Exception: task.retries += 1 if task.retries > task.max_retries or sender_id is None: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() tb = tblib.Traceback(tb) await task.set_exception((et, ev, tb)) else: self.logger.error('Task %s at %s failed, attempting ' 'retry %d out of %s' % (task.uid, self.uid, task.retries, task.max_retries)) await self.call_safe(sender_id, method, task) finally: pass
def _put_run_queue(self, *args, sender_id, task, future): self._run_queue.put_nowait((sender_id, task, future)) def _dec_parameter_ref(self): def _dec_ref(*args): self.dec_ref() return _dec_ref _serialisation_attrs = RemoteBase._serialisation_attrs + ['_cls_attr_names', '_is_parameter'] def _serialisation_helper(self): state = super()._serialisation_helper() state['_cls'] = PickleClass(self._cls) state['_runtime_id'] = mosaic.runtime().uid return state
[docs] class ParameterMixin: """ A parameter is a Python object that, when moved across different runtimes in the mosaic network, will retain a reference to its original, root object. This reference means that changes to a local object can be propagated to the root object using ``obj.method(..., propagate=True)``. It also means that attributes of the root object can be changed using ``obj.set('attr', value)``. The latest value of an attribute can be pulled from the root object by doing ``await obj.get('attr')``. Objects of class Parameter should not be instantiated directly by the user and the ``@mosaic.tessera`` decorator should be used instead. """ @property def has_tessera(self): return hasattr(self, '_tessera') \ and self._tessera is not None \ and isinstance(self._tessera, (Tessera, TesseraProxy)) @property def is_tessera(self): return self.has_tessera and isinstance(self._tessera, Tessera) @property def is_proxy(self): return self.has_tessera and isinstance(self._tessera, TesseraProxy) @property def ref(self): return self._ref @property def cached(self): return self._cached
[docs] async def publish(self): if self.has_tessera: await self warehouse = mosaic.get_warehouse() await warehouse.publish(uid=self.ref, reply=True)
[docs] async def push(self, attr=None, publish=False): if self.has_tessera: await self if attr is None: __dict__ = copy.copy(self.__dict__) else: if not isinstance(attr, list): attr = [attr] __dict__ = dict() for key in attr: __dict__[key] = getattr(self, key) try: del __dict__['_tessera'] except KeyError: pass # Force publish when the parameter is being cached if self.cached: publish = True warehouse = mosaic.get_warehouse() await warehouse.push_remote(__dict__=__dict__, uid=self.ref, publish=publish, reply=publish)
[docs] async def pull(self, attr=None): if self.has_tessera: await self warehouse = mosaic.get_warehouse() __dict__ = await warehouse.pull_remote(uid=self.ref, attr=attr, reply=True) for key, value in __dict__.items(): setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] async def get(self, item): if self.has_tessera: value = await self._tessera.get_attr(item) super().__setattr__(item, value) return super().__getattribute__(item)
[docs] def set(self, item, value): if self.has_tessera: self._tessera.set_attr(item, value) super().__setattr__(item, value)
def __getattribute__(self, item): member = super().__getattribute__(item) if item in dir(ParameterMixin): return member has_tessera = False try: tess = super().__getattribute__('_tessera') has_tessera = tess is not None and isinstance(tess, (Tessera, TesseraProxy)) except AttributeError: pass if has_tessera: if inspect.iscoroutine(member) or inspect.iscoroutinefunction(member): @functools.wraps(member) async def remote_method(*args, **kwargs): propagate = kwargs.pop('propagate', False) if propagate: await tess[item](*args, **kwargs) return await member(*args, **kwargs) return remote_method elif inspect.isfunction(member) or inspect.ismethod(member): @functools.wraps(member) def remote_method(*args, **kwargs): propagate = kwargs.pop('propagate', False) if propagate: tess[item](*args, **kwargs) return member(*args, **kwargs) return remote_method return member def __del__(self): if self.has_tessera and isinstance(self._tessera, Tessera): self._tessera.dec_ref() def __await__(self): if self.has_tessera: yield from self._tessera.__await__() return self def _serialisation_helper(self): state = dict( uid=self._tessera.uid, tessera=self._tessera, ref=self._ref, ) return state @classmethod def _deserialisation_helper(cls, state): instance = state['ref'] instance._tessera = state['tessera'] return instance def __reduce__(self): if self.is_proxy and self.cached: state = self._serialisation_helper() return self._deserialisation_helper, (state,) else: return super().__reduce__()
[docs] class TesseraProxy(ProxyBase): """ Objects of this class represent connections to remote tessera, allowing us to call methods on them. Objects of class TesseraProxy should not be instantiated directly by the user and the ``@mosaic.tessera`` decorator should be used instead. Parameters ---------- cls : type Class of the remote object. args : tuple, optional Arguments for the instantiation of the remote tessera. kwargs : optional Keyword arguments for the instantiation of the remote tessera. """ type = 'tessera_proxy' def __init__(self, cls, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._is_parameter = False self._cls = PickleClass(cls) runtime = kwargs.pop('runtime', None) self._runtime_id = runtime.uid if hasattr(runtime, 'uid') else runtime self._uid = '%s-%s-%s' % ('tess', self._cls.__name__.lower(), uuid.uuid4().hex) self._cls_attr_names = None self._set_cls() self.state_changed('pending') def _set_cls(self): if self.__class__.__name__ == '_TesseraProxy': return cls = self._cls.cls exclude = dir(self) cls_methods, cls_magic_methods, \ cls_method_names, cls_magic_method_names = _extract_methods(cls, exclude) for method in cls_methods: method_getter = self._get_method_getter(method[0]) method_getter = functools.wraps(method[1])(method_getter) setattr(self, method[0], method_getter) __dict__ = {} for method in cls_magic_methods: method_getter = self._get_magic_method_getter(method[0]) method_getter = functools.wraps(method[1])(method_getter) __dict__[method[0]] = method_getter _TesseraProxy = type('_TesseraProxy', (TesseraProxy,), __dict__) self.__class__ = _TesseraProxy
[docs] async def init(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Asynchronous correlate of ``__init__``. """ kwargs = self._fill_config(**kwargs) kwargs.pop('runtime', None) self._runtime_id = await self.select_worker(self._runtime_id) self.runtime.register(self) if self.is_parameter: cls_attrs = await self.remote_runtime.init_parameter(cls=self._cls, uid=self._uid, args=args, reply=True, **kwargs) else: cls_attrs = await self.remote_runtime.init_tessera(cls=self._cls, uid=self._uid, args=args, reply=True, **kwargs) self._cls_attr_names = cls_attrs self.state_changed('listening')
@property def runtime_id(self): """ UID of the runtime where the tessera lives. """ return self._runtime_id @property def is_parameter(self): return self._is_parameter @property def collectable(self): """ Whether the object is ready for collection. """ return self._state == 'listening' @cached_property def remote_runtime(self): """ Proxy to the runtime where the tessera lives. """ return self.proxy(self._runtime_id)
[docs] @classmethod def remote_cls(cls): """ Class of the remote. """ return Tessera
[docs] @classmethod async def select_worker(cls, runtime=None): """ Select an available worker. Parameters ---------- runtime : str or Runtime, optional If a valid runtime is given, this will be selected as the target worker. Returns ------- str UID of the target worker. """ if hasattr(runtime, 'uid'): runtime = runtime.uid if runtime is None: monitor = mosaic.get_monitor() runtime = await monitor.select_worker(reply=True) return runtime
[docs] def make_parameter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Transform the proxy into a parameter. Returns ------- object """ self._is_parameter = True self._runtime_id = 'warehouse' kwargs.pop('max_retries', None) kwargs.pop('runtime', None) cached = kwargs.pop('cached', False) obj = self._cls.cls(*args, **kwargs) setattr(obj, '_tessera', self) setattr(obj, '_ref', WarehouseObject(uid=self.uid, obj=obj)) setattr(obj, '_cached', cached) return obj
[docs] def get_attr(self, item): """ Get at attribute from the remote tessera. Parameters ---------- item : str Returns ------- AwaitableOnly """ return self._get_remote_attr(item)
[docs] def set_attr(self, item, value): """ Set an attribute on the remote tessera. Parameters ---------- item : str value : object Returns ------- """ return self._set_remote_attr(item, value)
async def _init_task(self, task_proxy, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.pop('runtime', None) await self._init_future for arg in args: if hasattr(arg, 'init_future'): await arg.init_future for arg in kwargs.values(): if hasattr(arg, 'init_future'): await arg.init_future return await task_proxy.__init_async__() def _get_remote_method(self, item): def remote_method(*args, **kwargs): eager = kwargs.pop('eager', False) task_proxy = TaskProxy(self, item, *args, **kwargs) if eager: return self._init_task(task_proxy, *args, **kwargs) else: loop = mosaic.get_event_loop(), task_proxy, *args, **kwargs) return task_proxy return remote_method def _get_remote_attr(self, item): async def remote_attr(): await self._init_future attr = await self.cmd_recv_async(method='get_attr', item=item) return attr return AwaitableOnly(remote_attr) def _set_remote_attr(self, item, value): async def remote_attr(): await self._init_future await self.cmd_recv_async(method='set_attr', item=item, value=value) loop = mosaic.get_event_loop() return def _get_method_getter(self, method): def method_getter(*args, **kwargs): return self._get_remote_method(method)(*args, **kwargs) return method_getter def _get_magic_method_getter(self, method): def method_getter(_self, *args, **kwargs): return self._get_remote_method(method)(*args, **kwargs) return method_getter def __getattribute__(self, item): try: return super().__getattribute__(item) except AttributeError: if self._cls_attr_names is None or item in self._cls_attr_names: return self._get_remote_attr(item) else: raise AttributeError('Class %s or TesseraProxy has no attribute %s' % (self._cls.cls.__class__.__name__, item)) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.__getattribute__(item) def __await__(self): yield from self._init_future.__await__() return self _serialisation_attrs = ProxyBase._serialisation_attrs + ['_cls', '_runtime_id', '_cls_attr_names', '_is_parameter'] @classmethod def _deserialisation_helper(cls, state): instance = super()._deserialisation_helper(state) instance._set_cls() return instance
[docs] class ArrayProxy(CMDBase): """ Objects of this class represent more a set of remote tesserae that may live on one or more remote runtimes. An array proxy allows us to reference all of them together through a common interface, as well as map calls to them. Objects of class ArrayProxy should not be instantiated directly by the user and the ``@mosaic.tessera`` decorator should be used instead. Parameters ---------- cls : type Class of the remote object. args : tuple, optional Arguments for the instantiation of the remote tessera. len : int, optional Length of the array, defaults to 1. kwargs : optional Keyword arguments for the instantiation of the remote tessera. """ type = 'tessera_proxy_array' def __init__(self, cls, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = PickleClass(cls) self._len = kwargs.pop('len', 1) self._cls_attr_names = None self._proxies = [] self._runtime_id = [] self._uid = '%s-%s-%s' % ('array', self._cls.__name__.lower(), uuid.uuid4().hex) available_workers = [uid for uid in mosaic.get_workers().keys()] for index in range(self._len): worker = available_workers[index % len(available_workers)] proxy = TesseraProxy(cls, *args, runtime=worker, **kwargs) self._proxies.append(proxy) self._set_cls() self._state = 'pending'
[docs] async def init(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Asynchronous correlate of ``__init__``. """ safe = kwargs.pop('safe', True) timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', None) available_workers = self._len inits = [] for proxy in self._proxies: inits.append(asyncio.create_task(proxy.__init_async__(*args, **kwargs))) self._runtime_id.append(proxy.runtime_id) self._cls_attr_names = proxy._cls_attr_names for task in asyncio.as_completed(inits, timeout=timeout): try: await task except RuntimeDisconnectedError as exc: if safe: self.logger.warn('Runtime failed, retiring worker: %s' % exc) available_workers -= 1 if available_workers <= 0: for other_task in inits: other_task.cancel() try: await other_task except (RuntimeDisconnectedError, asyncio.CancelledError): pass raise RuntimeError('No workers available to complete async workload') else: raise self.runtime.register(self) self._state = 'listening'
def _set_cls(self): if self.__class__.__name__ == '_TesseraProxy': return cls = self._cls.cls exclude = dir(self) cls_methods, cls_magic_methods, \ cls_method_names, cls_magic_method_names = _extract_methods(cls, exclude) for method in cls_methods: method_getter = self._get_method_getter(method[0]) method_getter = functools.wraps(method[1])(method_getter) setattr(self, method[0], method_getter) __dict__ = {} for method in cls_magic_methods: method_getter = self._get_magic_method_getter(method[0]) method_getter = functools.wraps(method[1])(method_getter) __dict__[method[0]] = method_getter _ArrayProxy = type('_ArrayProxy', (ArrayProxy,), __dict__) self.__class__ = _ArrayProxy @property def runtime_id(self): """ UID of the runtime where the tessera lives. """ return self._runtime_id @cached_property def remote_runtime(self): """ Proxy to the runtime where the tessera lives. """ return [self.proxy(each) for each in self._runtime_id]
[docs] @classmethod def remote_type(cls): """ Type of mosaic object. """ return cls.type.split('_')[0]
def _remotes(self): return self.remote_runtime
[docs] def make_parameter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Transform the proxy into a parameter. Returns ------- list """ params = [] for proxy in self._proxies: param = proxy.make_parameter(*args, **kwargs) params.append(param) return params
[docs] def get_attr(self, item): """ Get at attribute from the remote tessera. Parameters ---------- item : str Returns ------- AwaitableOnly """ return self._get_remote_attr(item)
[docs] def set_attr(self, item, value): """ Set an attribute on the remote tessera. Parameters ---------- item : str value : object Returns ------- """ return self._set_remote_attr(item, value)
def _get_remote_method(self, item): # TODO There should be an equivalent Task array proxy def remote_method(*args, **kwargs): runtime = kwargs.pop('runtime', None) runtime = runtime.uid if hasattr(runtime, 'uid') else runtime if runtime is None: task_proxies = [] for proxy in self._proxies: task_proxies.append(proxy[item](*args, **kwargs)) task_proxies = asyncio.gather(*task_proxies) else: task_proxies = None for proxy in self._proxies: if proxy.runtime_id == runtime: task_proxies = proxy[item](*args, **kwargs) break if task_proxies is None: raise RuntimeError('Runtime %s is no contained in the ArrayProxy' % runtime) return task_proxies return remote_method def _get_remote_attr(self, item): async def remote_attr(): await self._init_future attrs = [each.cmd_recv_async(method='get_attr', item=item) for each in self._proxies] return await asyncio.gather(*attrs) return AwaitableOnly(remote_attr) def _set_remote_attr(self, item, value): async def remote_attr(): await self._init_future attrs = [each.cmd_recv_async(method='set_attr', item=item, value=value) for each in self._proxies] return await asyncio.gather(*attrs) return remote_attr() def _get_method_getter(self, method): def method_getter(*args, **kwargs): return self._get_remote_method(method)(*args, **kwargs) return method_getter def _get_magic_method_getter(self, method): def method_getter(_self, *args, **kwargs): return self._get_remote_method(method)(*args, **kwargs) return method_getter def __getattribute__(self, item): try: return super().__getattribute__(item) except AttributeError: if self._cls_attr_names is None or item in self._cls_attr_names: return self._get_remote_attr(item) else: raise AttributeError('Class %s or ArrayProxy has no attribute %s' % (self._cls.cls.__class__.__name__, item)) def __getitem__(self, item): return self._proxies[item] def __repr__(self): runtime_id = ', '.join([str(each) for each in self.runtime_id]) return "<%s object at %s, uid=%s, runtime=(%s), state=%s>" % \ (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self.uid, runtime_id, self._state) def __await__(self): yield from self._init_future.__await__() return self _serialisation_attrs = CMDBase._serialisation_attrs + ['_cls', '_proxies', '_runtime_id', '_cls_attr_names', '_len']
class PickleClass: """ A wrapper for a class that can be pickled safely. Parameters ---------- cls : type Class to wrap. """ def __init__(self, cls): self.cls = cls def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.cls(*args, **kwargs) def __getattribute__(self, item): try: return super().__getattribute__(item) except AttributeError: return getattr(self.cls, item) def _serialisation_helper(self): state = { 'cls': cloudpickle.dumps(self.cls) } return state @classmethod def _deserialisation_helper(cls, state): instance = cls.__new__(cls) instance.cls = cloudpickle.loads(state['cls']) return instance def __reduce__(self): state = self._serialisation_helper() return self._deserialisation_helper, (state,)
[docs] def tessera(*args, **cmd_config): """ Decorator that transforms a standard class into a tessera-capable class. The resulting class can still be instantiated as usual ``Klass(...)``, which will generate a standard local instance, or onto the mosaic runtime ``Klass.remote(...)``, which will instantiate the class in a remote endpoint and return a proxy to the user. A mosaic Parameter can also be instantiated by using ``Klass.parameter(...)``. TODO - Better explanations and more examples. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- Enriched class Examples -------- >>> @tessera >>> class Klass: >>> def __init__(self, value): >>> self.value = value >>> >>> def add(self, other): >>> self.value += other >>> return self.value >>> >>> # We can still generate a standard local instance >>> local_instance = Klass(10) >>> >>> # but also a remote instance by invoking remote. >>> remote_proxy = Klass.remote(10) >>> >>> # The resulting proxy can be used to call the instance methods, >>> task = remote_proxy.add(5) >>> # which will return immediately. >>> >>> # We can do some work while the remote method is executed >>> # and then wait for it to end >>> await task >>> >>> # We can retrieve the result of the task invoking result on the task >>> await task.result() 15 """ @functools.wraps(tessera) def tessera_wrapper(cls): @classmethod def remote(_, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.update(cmd_config) array_len = kwargs.pop('len', None) if array_len is None: proxy = TesseraProxy(cls, *args, **kwargs) else: proxy = ArrayProxy(cls, *args, len=array_len, **kwargs) loop = mosaic.get_event_loop(), *args, **kwargs) return proxy @classmethod def local(_, *args, uid=None, **kwargs): if uid is None: uid = '%s-%s-%s' % ('tess', cls.__name__.lower(), uuid.uuid4().hex) kwargs.update(cmd_config) return Tessera(cls, uid, *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def parameter(_, *args, uid=None, **kwargs): kwargs.update(cmd_config) array_len = kwargs.pop('len', None) if array_len is None: proxy = TesseraProxy(cls, *args, **kwargs) else: proxy = ArrayProxy(cls, *args, len=array_len, **kwargs) param = proxy.make_parameter(*args, **kwargs) loop = mosaic.get_event_loop(), *args, **kwargs) if array_len is None: _Parameter = type('_%s' % param.__class__.__name__, (ParameterMixin, param.__class__), {}) param.__class__ = _Parameter else: for _param in param: _Parameter = type('_%s' % _param.__class__.__name__, (ParameterMixin, _param.__class__), {}) _param.__class__ = _Parameter return param @classmethod def local_parameter(_, *args, uid=None, **kwargs): if uid is None: uid = '%s-%s-%s' % ('tess', cls.__name__.lower(), uuid.uuid4().hex) kwargs.update(cmd_config) tess = Tessera(cls, uid, *args, **kwargs) param = tess.make_parameter() _Parameter = type('_%s' % param.__class__.__name__, (ParameterMixin, param.__class__), {}) param.__class__ = _Parameter return param cls.remote = remote cls.local = local cls.parameter = parameter cls.local_parameter = local_parameter cls.select_worker = TesseraProxy.select_worker method_list = [func for func in dir(Base) if not func.startswith("__")] for method in method_list: setattr(cls, method, getattr(Base, method)) return cls if len(args) == 1 and len(cmd_config) == 0 and callable(args[0]): return tessera_wrapper(args[0]) if len(args) != 0 or len(cmd_config) < 1: raise ValueError('@tessera should be applied to a class without brackets' 'or with configuration options within brackets.') return tessera_wrapper
types.remote_types += (Tessera,) types.proxy_types += (TesseraProxy, ArrayProxy)