Source code for mosaic.comms.comms

import os
import sys
import uuid
import asyncio
import zmq
import zmq.asyncio
import tblib
import errno
import psutil
import socket
import warnings
import contextlib
import weakref
from concurrent.futures import CancelledError

import mosaic
from .compression import maybe_compress, decompress
from .serialisation import serialise, deserialise
from ..utils import Future
from ..utils.utils import sizeof

__all__ = ['CommsManager', 'get_hostname']

_protocol_version = '0.1'

def join_address(address, port, transport='tcp'):
    return '%s://%s:%d' % (transport, address, port)

def validate_address(address, port=False):
    if type(address) is not str:
        raise ValueError('Address %s is not valid' % (address,))

    if port is False:
        error_msg = 'Address %s is not valid' % (address,)
        error_msg = 'Address and port combination %s:%d is not valid' % (address, port)

    # Is it an IP address?
        socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, address)
    except AttributeError:
        except socket.error:
            raise ValueError(error_msg)
    except (OSError, socket.error):
        # Could it be a hostname then?
        except socket.gaierror:
            raise ValueError(error_msg)

    if port is not False:
        if type(port) is not int or not 1024 <= port <= 65535:
            raise ValueError(error_msg)

def get_hostname():
    return socket.getfqdn(socket.gethostname())

class CMD:
    Container for a CMD for the runtime.

    cmd : dict
        Dictionary description of the CMD.


    def __init__(self, cmd):
        self.type = cmd['type']
        self.uid = cmd['uid']
        self.method = cmd['method']
        self.args = cmd['args']
        self.kwargs = cmd['kwargs']

class Message:
    Container for a received message from another comms.

    sender_id : str
        Identity of the message sender.
    msg : dict
        Dictionary description of the message.


    def __init__(self, sender_id, msg): = msg['id']
        self.method = msg['method']
        self.sender_id = sender_id
        self.runtime_id = msg['runtime_id']
        self.kwargs = msg['kwargs']
        self.reply = msg['reply']

        cmd = msg.get('cmd', {})
        self.cmd = CMD(cmd) if cmd is not None else None

class Reply(Future):
    Future-like object to asynchronously wait for a comms reply.


class Socket:

    def __init__(self, runtime=None, comms=None, context=None, loop=None):
        self._runtime = runtime or mosaic.runtime()
        self._comms = comms or mosaic.get_comms()
        self._loop = loop or mosaic.get_event_loop()
        self._zmq_context = context or mosaic.get_zmq_context()

        self._socket = self.init_socket()
        self._socket.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, self._runtime.uid.encode())
        self._socket.setsockopt(zmq.SNDHWM, 0)
        self._socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVHWM, 0)

        self._sync_socket = None
        self._state = 'disconnected'

    def init_socket(self):

    def socket(self):
        Connection ZMQ socket.

        return self._socket

    def sync_socket(self):
        Connection synchronous ZMQ socket.

        return self._sync_socket

    def state(self):
        Connection state.

        return self._state

    def bind(self, addr):

    def connect(self, addr):

    def disconnect(self, addr):

    def unbind(self, addr):

    def set_sync_socket(self):
        self._sync_socket = zmq.Socket.shadow(self._socket.underlying)

    async def recv_async(self, **kwargs):
        multipart_msg = await self._socket.recv_multipart(**kwargs)
        return multipart_msg

    def recv_sync(self, **kwargs):
        multipart_msg = self._sync_socket.recv_multipart(**kwargs)
        return multipart_msg

    async def send_async(self, multipart_msg, **kwargs):
        return await self._socket.send_multipart(multipart_msg, **kwargs)

    def send_sync(self, multipart_msg, **kwargs):
        return self._sync_socket.send_multipart(multipart_msg, **kwargs)

    def close(self):
        if self._sync_socket is not None:
        self._state = 'disconnected'

class PeerSocket(Socket):

    def init_socket(self):
        return self._zmq_context.socket(zmq.ROUTER,

class PubSocket(Socket):

    def init_socket(self):
        return self._zmq_context.socket(zmq.PUB,

class SubSocket(Socket):

    def init_socket(self):
        socket = self._zmq_context.socket(zmq.SUB,
        socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'')
        return socket

class Connection:
    Socket connection through ZMQ.

    uid : str
        UID of the current runtime.
    address : str
        IP address of the connection.
    port : int
        Port to use for the connection.
    socket : PeerSocket
        Wrapped ZMQ socket.
    runtime : Runtime, optional
        Current runtime, defaults to global runtime.
    comms : CommsManager, optional
        Comms to which the connection belongs, defaults to global comms.
    context : zmq.Context, optional
        ZMQ socket context, defaults to global context.
    loop : EventLoop, optional
        Event loop to use, defaults to global event loop.


    def __init__(self, uid, address, port,
                 socket=None, runtime=None, comms=None, context=None, loop=None):
        self._runtime = runtime or mosaic.runtime()
        self._comms = comms or mosaic.get_comms()
        self._loop = loop or mosaic.get_event_loop()
        self._zmq_context = context or mosaic.get_zmq_context()

        self._uid = uid
        self._transport = os.environ.get('MOSAIC_ZMQ_TRANSPORT', 'tcp')
        self._address = address
        self._port = port
        self._local = self._runtime.mode == 'local'

        self._socket = socket
        self._state = 'disconnected'

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s object at %s, address=%s, port=%d, state=%s>" % \
               (self.__class__.__name__, id(self),
                self.address, self.port, self.state)

    def uid(self):
        Runtime UID.

        return self._uid

    def transport(self):
        Connection transport.

        return self._transport

    def address(self):
        Connection address.

        return self._address

    def port(self):
        Connection port.

        return self._port

    def socket(self):
        Connection ZMQ socket.

        return self._socket

    def state(self):
        Connection state.

        return self._state

    def connect_address(self):
        Full formatted address for connection.

        if self._local is True:
            return join_address('', self.port, transport=self.transport)

            return join_address(self.address, self.port, transport=self.transport)

    def bind_address(self):
        Full formatted address for binding.

        return join_address('*', self.port, transport=self.transport)

    def logger(self):
        Runtime logger.

        return self._runtime.logger

    def disconnect(self):
        Disconnect the socket.


        if self._state != 'connected':

        self._state = 'disconnected'

class InboundConnection(Connection):
    Object encapsulating an incoming connection to the CommsManager.

    uid : str
        UID of the current runtime.
    address : str
        IP address of the connection.
    port : int
        Port to use for the connection.
    runtime : Runtime, optional
        Current runtime, defaults to global runtime.
    comms : CommsManager, optional
        Comms to which the connection belongs, defaults to global comms.
    context : zmq.Context, optional
        ZMQ socket context, defaults to global context.
    loop : EventLoop, optional
        Event loop to use, defaults to global event loop.


    def __init__(self, uid, address, port, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(uid, address, port, **kwargs)

    def address(self):
        Connection address.

        If no address is set, it will try to discover it.

        if self._address is None:
            # Try using a hostname first
            self._address = get_hostname()

            except ValueError:
                # Try to find an IP address otherwise
                address, port = '', '53'
                s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
                    # This command will raise an exception if there is no internet
                    # connection.
                    s.connect((address, int(port)))
                    self._address = s.getsockname()[0]
                except OSError as e:
                    self._address = ''
                    # [Errno 101] Network is unreachable
                    if e.errno == errno.ENETUNREACH:
                            # try get node ip address from host name
                            host_name = get_hostname()
                            self._address = socket.gethostbyname(host_name)
                        except Exception:

        return self._address

    def connect(self):
        Connect the socket.


        if self._state != 'disconnected':

        # OSX does not like looking into other processes connections
            existing_ports = [each.laddr.port for each in psutil.net_connections()]
        except psutil.AccessDenied:
            existing_ports = []

        if self._port is None:
            self._port = 3000

        while self._port in existing_ports:
            self._port += 1

        # If no existing ports were retrieved, we might need to do
        # some trial and error
        while True:
            except zmq.error.ZMQError:
                self._port += 1


        self._state = 'connected'

    async def recv_async(self):
        Asynchronously receive on the socket.

            Sender UID.
            Message object.

        if self._state == 'disconnected':
            warnings.warn('Trying to receive in a disconnected InboundConnection "%s"' % self.uid, Warning)

        multipart_msg = await self._socket.recv_async(copy=False)

        return self._process_rcv(multipart_msg)

    def recv_sync(self):
        Synchronously receive on the socket.

            Sender UID.
            Message object.

        if self._state == 'disconnected':
            warnings.warn('Trying to receive in a disconnected InboundConnection "%s"' % self.uid, Warning)

        multipart_msg = self._socket.recv_sync(copy=False)

        return self._process_rcv(multipart_msg)

    def _process_rcv(self, multipart_msg):
        sender_id = multipart_msg[0]
        multipart_msg = multipart_msg[2:]
            num_parts = int(multipart_msg[0])
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Message from %s cannot be decoded!' % bytes(sender_id.buffer).decode())

        if len(multipart_msg) != num_parts:
            raise ValueError('Wrong number of parts')

        sender_id = bytes(sender_id.buffer).decode()
        header = deserialise(multipart_msg[1], [])

        if num_parts > 3:
            compressed_msg = [multipart_msg[2], multipart_msg[3:]]
            compressed_msg = [multipart_msg[2], []]

        msg = []

        _msg = decompress(header['compression'][0], compressed_msg[0])

        _msg = [decompress(compression, payload)
                for compression, payload in zip(header['compression'][1], compressed_msg[1])]

        msg = deserialise(msg[0], msg[1])
        msg = Message(sender_id, msg)

        if not msg.method.startswith('log') and not msg.method.startswith('update_monitored_node'):
            if msg.method == 'cmd':
                self.logger.debug('Received cmd %s %s from %s at %s (%s)' % (msg.method, msg.cmd.method,
                                                                             sender_id, self._runtime.uid,
                self.logger.debug('Received msg %s from %s at %s' % (msg.method, sender_id, self._runtime.uid))

        return sender_id, msg

    def disconnect(self):
        if self._state != 'connected':

        bind_address = self._socket._socket.getsockopt(zmq.LAST_ENDPOINT)

class OutboundConnection(Connection):
    Object encapsulating an outgoing connection from the CommsManager.

    uid : str
        UID of the connected runtime.
    address : str
        IP address of the connection.
    port : int
        Port to use for the connection.
    runtime : Runtime, optional
        Current runtime, defaults to global runtime.
    comms : CommsManager, optional
        Comms to which the connection belongs, defaults to global comms.
    context : zmq.Context, optional
        ZMQ socket context, defaults to global context.
    loop : EventLoop, optional
        Event loop to use, defaults to global event loop.


    def __init__(self, uid, address, port, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(uid, address, port, **kwargs)

        validate_address(address, port)

        self._heartbeat_timeout = None
        self._heartbeat_attempts = 0
        self._heartbeat_max_attempts = 5
        self._heartbeat_interval = 5

        self._shaken = False

    def shaken(self):
        Whether the handshake has happened.

        return self._shaken

    def connect(self):
        Connect the socket.


        if self._state != 'disconnected':


        self._state = 'connected'

    def shake(self):
        Complete the handshake.


        self._shaken = True

    def start_heartbeat(self):
        Start the heartbeat procedure with the remote endpoint.

        After 5 failed heartbeat attempts, the endpoint is considered disconnected.

        The heartbeat only operates if this is the monitor runtime.


        if not self._runtime.is_monitor:

        if self._heartbeat_timeout is not None:

        self._heartbeat_attempts = self._heartbeat_max_attempts + 1

        self._heartbeat_timeout = self._loop.timeout(self.heart, timeout=self._heartbeat_interval)

    def stop_heartbeat(self):
        Stop the heartbeat.


        if self._heartbeat_timeout is not None:
            self._heartbeat_timeout = None

    async def heart(self):
        Send heart signal


        self._heartbeat_attempts -= 1

        if self._heartbeat_attempts == 0:
            await self._comms.disconnect(self.uid, self.uid, notify=True)
            await, self.uid, self.uid)

        interval = self._heartbeat_interval * self._heartbeat_max_attempts/self._heartbeat_attempts
        self._heartbeat_timeout = self._loop.timeout(self.heart, timeout=interval)

        await self.send_async(method='heart')

    async def beat(self):
        Process beat signal


        if self._heartbeat_timeout is None:

        self._heartbeat_attempts = self._heartbeat_max_attempts + 1


    async def send_async(self, method, cmd=None, reply=False, **kwargs):
        Send message through the connection.

        method : str
            Remote method.
        cmd : dict, optional
            If the method is ``cmd`` a description of the command has to be provided.
        reply : bool, optional
            Whether the connection should wait for a reply, defaults to False.
        kwargs : optional
            Keyword arguments for the remote method.

        Reply or None
            Depending on whether a reply is expected or not.

        if self._state == 'disconnected':
            warnings.warn('Trying to send %s in a disconnected '
                          'OutboundConnection "%s"' % (method, self.uid), Warning)

        reply_future, msg_size, multipart_msg = self._process_send(method, cmd=cmd, reply=reply, **kwargs)

        await self._socket.send_async(multipart_msg, copy=msg_size < zmq.COPY_THRESHOLD)

        return reply_future

    def send_sync(self, method, cmd=None, reply=False, **kwargs):
        Send synchronous message through the connection.

        method : str
            Remote method.
        cmd : dict, optional
            If the method is ``cmd`` a description of the command has to be provided.
        reply : bool, optional
            Whether the connection should wait for a reply, defaults to False.
        kwargs : optional
            Keyword arguments for the remote method.

        Reply or None
            Depending on whether a reply is expected or not.

        if self._state == 'disconnected':
            warnings.warn('Trying to send %s in a disconnected '
                          'OutboundConnection "%s"' % (method, self.uid), Warning)

        reply_future, msg_size, multipart_msg = self._process_send(method, cmd=cmd, reply=reply, **kwargs)

        self._socket.send_sync(multipart_msg, copy=msg_size < zmq.COPY_THRESHOLD)

        return reply_future

    def _process_send(self, method, cmd=None, reply=False, **kwargs):
        if reply is True:
            reply_future = Reply(name=method)
            reply = reply_future.uid

            reply_future = None

        msg_id = '%s.%s' % (self._runtime.uid, uuid.uuid4().hex)

        msg = {
            'id': msg_id,
            'method': method,
            'runtime_id': self.uid,
            'kwargs': kwargs,
            'reply': reply,
            'cmd': cmd,

        msg = serialise(msg)
        msg_size = sizeof(msg)

        if not method.startswith('log') and not method.startswith('update_monitored_node'):
            if method == 'cmd':
                method = '%s:%s.%s' % (method, cmd['type'], cmd['method'])

                self.logger.debug('Sending cmd %s %s to %s (%s) from %s '
                                  '(size %.2f MB)' % (method, cmd['method'], self.uid, cmd['uid'],
                                                   self._runtime.uid, msg_size/1024**2))
                self.logger.debug('Sending msg %s to %s from %s '
                                  '(size %.2f MB)' % (method, self.uid, self._runtime.uid,

        compression = []
        compressed_msg = []

        _compression, _compressed_msg = maybe_compress(msg[0])

        if len(msg[1]) > 0:
            _compression, _compressed_msg = zip(*map(maybe_compress, msg[1]))


        header = {
            'version': _protocol_version,
            'compression': compression,

        header = serialise(header)[0]

        multipart_msg = [self._uid.encode()]
        multipart_msg += [b'']
        multipart_msg += [str(3 + len(compressed_msg[1])).encode()]
        multipart_msg += [header]
        multipart_msg += [compressed_msg[0]]
        multipart_msg += compressed_msg[1]

        return reply_future, msg_size, multipart_msg

    def disconnect(self):
        if self._state != 'connected':


class Publication(Connection):
    Object encapsulating an incoming connection to the CommsManager.

    uid : str
        UID of the current runtime.
    address : str
        IP address of the connection.
    port : int
        Port to use for the connection.
    runtime : Runtime, optional
        Current runtime, defaults to global runtime.
    comms : CommsManager, optional
        Comms to which the connection belongs, defaults to global comms.
    context : zmq.Context, optional
        ZMQ socket context, defaults to global context.
    loop : EventLoop, optional
        Event loop to use, defaults to global event loop.


    def __init__(self, uid, address, port, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(uid, address, port, **kwargs)

    def address(self):
        Connection address.

        If no address is set, it will try to discover it.

        if self._address is None:
            # Try using a hostname first
            self._address = get_hostname()

            except ValueError:
                # Try to find an IP address otherwise
                address, port = '', '53'
                s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
                    # This command will raise an exception if there is no internet
                    # connection.
                    s.connect((address, int(port)))
                    self._address = s.getsockname()[0]
                except OSError as e:
                    self._address = ''
                    # [Errno 101] Network is unreachable
                    if e.errno == errno.ENETUNREACH:
                            # try get node ip address from host name
                            host_name = get_hostname()
                            self._address = socket.gethostbyname(host_name)
                        except Exception:

        return self._address

    def connect(self):
        Connect the socket.


        if self._state != 'disconnected':

        # OSX does not like looking into other processes connections
            existing_ports = [each.laddr.port for each in psutil.net_connections()]
        except psutil.AccessDenied:
            existing_ports = []

        if self._port is None:
            self._port = 3000

        while self._port in existing_ports:
            self._port += 1

        # If no existing ports were retrieved, we might need to do
        # some trial and error
        while True:
            except zmq.error.ZMQError:
                self._port += 1


        self._state = 'connected'

    async def send_async(self, method, cmd=None, **kwargs):
        Send message through the connection.

        method : str
            Remote method.
        cmd : dict, optional
            If the method is ``cmd`` a description of the command has to be provided.
        kwargs : optional
            Keyword arguments for the remote method.

        Reply or None
            Depending on whether a reply is expected or not.

        if self._state == 'disconnected':
            warnings.warn('Trying to send %s in a disconnected '
                          'Publication' % method, Warning)

        msg_size, multipart_msg = self._process_send(method, cmd=cmd, **kwargs)

        await self._socket.send_async(multipart_msg, copy=msg_size < zmq.COPY_THRESHOLD)

    def send_sync(self, method, cmd=None, **kwargs):
        Send synchronous message through the connection.

        method : str
            Remote method.
        cmd : dict, optional
            If the method is ``cmd`` a description of the command has to be provided.
        kwargs : optional
            Keyword arguments for the remote method.

        Reply or None
            Depending on whether a reply is expected or not.

        if self._state == 'disconnected':
            warnings.warn('Trying to send %s in a disconnected '
                          'Publication' % method, Warning)

        msg_size, multipart_msg = self._process_send(method, cmd=cmd, **kwargs)

        self._socket.send_sync(multipart_msg, copy=msg_size < zmq.COPY_THRESHOLD)

    def _process_send(self, method, cmd=None, **kwargs):
        msg_id = '%s.%s' % (self._runtime.uid, uuid.uuid4().hex)

        msg = {
            'id': msg_id,
            'method': method,
            'runtime_id': self.uid,
            'kwargs': kwargs,
            'reply': False,
            'cmd': cmd,

        if not method.startswith('log') and not method.startswith('update_monitored_node'):
            if method == 'cmd':
                method = '%s:%s.%s' % (method, cmd['type'], cmd['method'])

                self.logger.debug('Publishing cmd %s %s (%s) from %s' % (method, cmd['method'], cmd['uid'],
                self.logger.debug('Publishing msg %s from %s' % (method, self._runtime.uid))

        msg = serialise(msg)
        msg_size = sizeof(msg)

        compression = []
        compressed_msg = []

        _compression, _compressed_msg = maybe_compress(msg[0])

        if len(msg[1]) > 0:
            _compression, _compressed_msg = zip(*map(maybe_compress, msg[1]))


        header = {
            'version': _protocol_version,
            'compression': compression,

        header = serialise(header)[0]

        multipart_msg = [self._uid.encode()]
        multipart_msg += [b'']
        multipart_msg += [str(3 + len(compressed_msg[1])).encode()]
        multipart_msg += [header]
        multipart_msg += [compressed_msg[0]]
        multipart_msg += compressed_msg[1]

        return msg_size, multipart_msg

    def disconnect(self):
        if self._state != 'connected':

        bind_address = self._socket._socket.getsockopt(zmq.LAST_ENDPOINT)

class Subscription(Connection):
    Object encapsulating an outgoing connection from the CommsManager.

    uid : str
        UID of the connected runtime.
    address : str
        IP address of the connection.
    port : int
        Port to use for the connection.
    runtime : Runtime, optional
        Current runtime, defaults to global runtime.
    comms : CommsManager, optional
        Comms to which the connection belongs, defaults to global comms.
    context : zmq.Context, optional
        ZMQ socket context, defaults to global context.
    loop : EventLoop, optional
        Event loop to use, defaults to global event loop.


    def __init__(self, uid, address, port, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(uid, address, port, **kwargs)

        validate_address(address, port)

        self._shaken = False

    def shaken(self):
        Whether the handshake has happened.

        return self._shaken

    def connect(self):
        Connect the socket.


        if self._state != 'disconnected':


        self._state = 'connected'

    def shake(self):
        Complete the handshake.


        self._shaken = True

    async def recv_async(self):
        Asynchronously receive on the socket.

            Sender UID.
            Message object.

        if self._state == 'disconnected':
            warnings.warn('Trying to receive in a disconnected Subscription "%s"' % self.uid, Warning)

        multipart_msg = await self._socket.recv_async(copy=False)

        return self._process_rcv(multipart_msg)

    def recv_sync(self):
        Synchronously receive on the socket.

            Sender UID.
            Message object.

        if self._state == 'disconnected':
            warnings.warn('Trying to receive in a disconnected Subscription "%s"' % self.uid, Warning)

        multipart_msg = self._socket.recv_sync(copy=False)

        return self._process_rcv(multipart_msg)

    def _process_rcv(self, multipart_msg):
        sender_id = multipart_msg[0]
        multipart_msg = multipart_msg[2:]
        num_parts = int(multipart_msg[0])

        if len(multipart_msg) != num_parts:
            raise ValueError('Wrong number of parts')

        sender_id = bytes(sender_id.buffer).decode()
        header = deserialise(multipart_msg[1], [])

        if num_parts > 3:
            compressed_msg = [multipart_msg[2], multipart_msg[3:]]
            compressed_msg = [multipart_msg[2], []]

        msg = []

        _msg = decompress(header['compression'][0], compressed_msg[0])

        _msg = [decompress(compression, payload)
                for compression, payload in zip(header['compression'][1], compressed_msg[1])]

        msg = deserialise(msg[0], msg[1])
        msg = Message(sender_id, msg)

        if not msg.method.startswith('log') and not msg.method.startswith('update_monitored_node'):
            if msg.method == 'cmd':
                self.logger.debug('Subscribed cmd %s %s from %s at %s (%s)' % (msg.method, msg.cmd.method,
                                                                               sender_id, self._runtime.uid,
                self.logger.debug('Subscribed msg %s from %s at %s' % (msg.method, sender_id, self._runtime.uid))

        return sender_id, msg

    def disconnect(self):
        if self._state != 'connected':


class CircularConnection(Connection):
    Object encapsulating a circular connection to itself.

    uid : str
        UID of the current runtime.
    address : str
        IP address of the connection.
    port : int
        Port to use for the connection.
    runtime : Runtime, optional
        Current runtime, defaults to global runtime.
    comms : CommsManager, optional
        Comms to which the connection belongs, defaults to global comms.
    context : zmq.Context, optional
        ZMQ socket context, defaults to global context.
    loop : EventLoop, optional
        Event loop to use, defaults to global event loop.


    def __init__(self, uid, address, port, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(uid, address, port, **kwargs)

        self._state = 'connected'
        self._shaken = True

    def connect(self):
        Connect the socket.



    async def send_async(self, method, cmd=None, reply=False, **kwargs):
        Send message through the connection.

        method : str
            Remote method.
        cmd : dict, optional
            If the method is ``cmd`` a description of the command has to be provided.
        reply : bool, optional
            Whether the connection should wait for a reply, defaults to False.
        kwargs : optional
            Keyword arguments for the remote method.

        Reply or None
            Depending on whether a reply is expected or not.

        if self._state == 'disconnected':
            warnings.warn('Trying to send %s in a disconnected '
                          'OutboundConnection "%s"' % (method, self.uid), Warning)

        reply_future, msg = self._process_send(method, cmd=cmd, reply=reply, **kwargs)

        await self._comms.process_msg(self._runtime.uid, msg)

        return reply_future

    def send_sync(self, method, cmd=None, reply=False, **kwargs):
        Send synchronous message through the connection.

        method : str
            Remote method.
        cmd : dict, optional
            If the method is ``cmd`` a description of the command has to be provided.
        reply : bool, optional
            Whether the connection should wait for a reply, defaults to False.
        kwargs : optional
            Keyword arguments for the remote method.

        Reply or None
            Depending on whether a reply is expected or not.

        if self._state == 'disconnected':
            warnings.warn('Trying to send in a disconnected OutboundConnection "%s"' % self.uid, Warning)

        reply_future, msg = self._process_send(method, cmd=cmd, reply=reply, **kwargs)
        process_future =, self._runtime.uid, msg)

        return reply_future

    def _process_send(self, method, cmd=None, reply=False, **kwargs):
        if reply is True:
            reply_future = Reply(name=method)
            reply = reply_future.uid

            reply_future = None

        msg_id = '%s.%s' % (self._runtime.uid, uuid.uuid4().hex)

        msg = {
            'id': msg_id,
            'method': method,
            'runtime_id': self.uid,
            'kwargs': kwargs,
            'reply': reply,
            'cmd': cmd,

        if not method.startswith('log'):
            if method == 'cmd':
                self.logger.debug('Sending cmd %s %s to %s (%s) from %s' % (method, cmd['method'],
                                                                            self.uid, cmd['uid'], self._runtime.uid))
                self.logger.debug('Sending msg %s to %s from %s' % (method, self.uid, self._runtime.uid))

        msg = Message(self._runtime.uid, msg)

        if not msg.method.startswith('log'):
            if msg.method == 'cmd':
                self.logger.debug('Received cmd %s %s from %s at %s (%s)' % (msg.method, msg.cmd.method,
                                                                             self._runtime.uid, self._runtime.uid,
                self.logger.debug('Received msg %s from %s at %s' % (msg.method, self._runtime.uid, self._runtime.uid))

        return reply_future, msg

[docs] class CommsManager: """ Objects of this type manage the connections and message passing between different runtimes. Parameters ---------- runtime : Runtime, optional Current runtime, defaults to global runtime. address : str IP address of the connection. port : int Port to use for the connection. context : zmq.Context, optional ZMQ socket context, defaults to global context. loop : EventLoop, optional Event loop to use, defaults to global event loop. """ _comms_methods = ['hand', 'shake', 'heart', 'beat', 'stop', 'connect', 'disconnect', 'reply'] def __init__(self, runtime=None, address=None, port=None, context=None, loop=None): self._runtime = runtime or mosaic.runtime() self._loop = loop or mosaic.get_event_loop() self._zmq_context = context or mosaic.get_zmq_context() self._recv_socket = PeerSocket(runtime=self._runtime, comms=self, context=self._zmq_context, loop=self._loop) self._send_socket = PeerSocket(runtime=self._runtime, comms=self, context=self._zmq_context, loop=self._loop) if self._runtime.is_monitor: self._pubsub_socket = PubSocket(runtime=self._runtime, comms=self, context=self._zmq_context, loop=self._loop) else: self._pubsub_socket = SubSocket(runtime=self._runtime, comms=self, context=self._zmq_context, loop=self._loop) self._recv_conn = InboundConnection(self._runtime.uid, address, port, socket=self._recv_socket, runtime=self._runtime, comms=self, context=self._zmq_context, loop=self._loop) if self._runtime.is_monitor: self._pubsub_conn = Publication(self._runtime.uid, address, port, socket=self._pubsub_socket, runtime=self._runtime, comms=self, context=self._zmq_context, loop=self._loop) else: self._pubsub_conn = None self._circ_conn = CircularConnection(self._runtime.uid, self.address, self.port, socket=None, runtime=self._runtime, comms=self, context=self._zmq_context, loop=self._loop) self._send_conn = dict() self._listen_future = None self._pubsub_future = None self._reply_futures = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self._state = 'disconnected' def __repr__(self): return "<CommsManager object at %s, uid=%s, address=%s, port=%d, state=%s>" % \ (id(self), self._runtime.uid, self._recv_conn.address, self._recv_conn.port, self._state) def __await__(self): if self._listen_future is None: raise RuntimeError('Cannot wait for comms that has not started listening') future = self._loop.wrap_future(self._listen_future) return (yield from future.__await__())
[docs] def wait(self): """ Wait until the listening loop of the comms is done. Returns ------- """ if self._listen_future is None: raise RuntimeError('Cannot wait for comms that has not started listening') try: self._listen_future.result() except CancelledError: pass
@property def address(self): """ Connection address. """ return self._recv_conn.address @property def port(self): """ Connection port. """ return self._recv_conn.port @property def pubsub_port(self): """ Connection port. """ return self._pubsub_conn.port @property def logger(self): """ Runtime logger. """ return self._runtime.logger
[docs] def uid_address(self, uid): """ Find remote address given UID. Parameters ---------- uid : str Remote UID. Returns ------- str Address. """ return self._send_conn[uid].address
[docs] def uid_port(self, uid): """ Find remote port given UID. Parameters ---------- uid : str Remote UID. Returns ------- int Port. """ return self._send_conn[uid].port
[docs] def connect_recv(self): """ Connect inbound connection. Returns ------- """ if self._state != 'disconnected': return self._recv_conn.connect() if self._pubsub_conn is not None: self._pubsub_conn.connect() self._circ_conn.connect() self._state = 'connected'
[docs] def connect_send(self, uid, address, port): """ Create and connect outbound connection for a remote runtime, with a given address and port. Parameters ---------- uid : str Remote UID. address : str Remote address. port : int Remote port. Returns ------- """ validate_address(address, port) if uid not in self._send_conn.keys() and uid != self._runtime.uid: self._send_conn[uid] = OutboundConnection(uid, address, port, socket=self._send_socket, runtime=self._runtime, comms=self, context=self._zmq_context, loop=self._loop) self._send_conn[uid].connect() self._send_conn[uid].shake()
[docs] def connect_pubsub(self, uid, address, port): """ Create and connect pub-sub connection for a remote runtime, with a given address and port. Parameters ---------- uid : str Remote UID. address : str Remote address. port : int Remote port. Returns ------- """ validate_address(address, port) if self._pubsub_conn is None and uid != self._runtime.uid: self._pubsub_conn = Subscription(uid, address, port, socket=self._pubsub_socket, runtime=self._runtime, comms=self, context=self._zmq_context, loop=self._loop) self._pubsub_conn.connect()
[docs] def start_heartbeat(self, uid): """ Start the heartbeat procedure. Parameters ---------- uid : str Remote UID. Returns ------- """ if uid in self._send_conn.keys() and uid != self._runtime.uid: self._send_conn[uid].start_heartbeat()
[docs] def connected(self, uid): """ Check whether remote UID is connected. Parameters ---------- uid : str Remote UID. Returns ------- """ return uid in self._send_conn.keys() or uid == self._runtime.uid
[docs] def shaken(self, uid): """ Check whether remote UID has completed handshake. Parameters ---------- uid : str Remote UID. Returns ------- """ return self.connected(uid) \ and uid in self._send_conn.keys() and self._send_conn[uid].shaken
[docs] def disconnect_recv(self): """ Disconnect inbound connection. Returns ------- """ self._recv_conn.disconnect() if self._pubsub_conn is not None: self._pubsub_conn.disconnect() self._recv_socket.close()
[docs] def disconnect_send(self): """ Connect all outbound connections. Returns ------- """ for sender_id, connection in self._send_conn.items(): connection.disconnect() self._send_socket.close()
[docs] def send(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Synchronously send message to remote runtime. For arguments and return values check ``Comms.send_async``. """ return self._send_any(*args, **kwargs, sync=True)
[docs] def cmd(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Synchronously send command to remote runtime. For arguments and return values check ``Comms.cmd_async``. """ return self._cmd_any(*args, **kwargs, sync=True)
[docs] def send_pubsub(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Synchronously send message to remote runtime. For arguments and return values check ``Comms.send_async``. """ return self._send_any(*args, **kwargs, sync=True, pubsub=True)
[docs] def cmd_pubsub(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Synchronously send command to remote runtime. For arguments and return values check ``Comms.cmd_async``. """ return self._cmd_any(*args, **kwargs, sync=True, pubsub=True)
[docs] def recv(self, **kwargs): """ Synchronously receive message from remote runtime. For arguments and return values check ``Comms.recv_async``. """ return self._recv_any(sync=True)
[docs] def recv_pubsub(self, **kwargs): """ Synchronously receive message from remote runtime. For arguments and return values check ``Comms.recv_async``. """ return self._recv_any(sync=True, pubsub=True)
[docs] def send_recv(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Synchronously send message to remote runtime and wait for reply. For arguments and return values check ``Comms.send_async``. """ wait = kwargs.pop('wait', True) future = self._send_recv_any(*args, **kwargs, sync=True) if wait is True: return future.result() else: return future
[docs] def cmd_recv(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Synchronously send command to remote runtime and wait for reply. For arguments and return values check ``Comms.cmd_async``. """ wait = kwargs.pop('wait', True) future = self._cmd_recv_any(*args, **kwargs, sync=True) if wait is True: return future.result() else: return future
[docs] def reply(self, sender_id, uid, result): """ Process reply from remote runtime. Parameters ---------- sender_id : str UID of the remote endpoint. uid : str UID of the associated Reply. result : object Result of the reply. Returns ------- """ if uid not in self._reply_futures.keys(): return self._reply_futures[uid].set_result(result)
[docs] def register_reply_future(self, future): """ Register a Reply to be accessible later on. Parameters ---------- future : Reply Returns ------- """ self._reply_futures[future.uid] = future
[docs] def listen(self): """ Start the listening loop. Returns ------- concurrent.futures.Future Future associated with the running loop. """ if self._state != 'connected': return def done(fut): try: exception = fut.exception() except asyncio.CancelledError: return if exception is not None: raise exception if not self._runtime.is_monitor: self._pubsub_future =, self.recv_pubsub_async) self._pubsub_future.add_done_callback(done) self._listen_future =, self.recv_async) self._listen_future.add_done_callback(done) if self._runtime.uid in ['monitor', 'head']:'Listening at %s' % self) else: self.logger.debug('Listening at %s' % self) return self._listen_future
[docs] async def listen_async(self, recv_async): """ Asynchronous listening loop. The loop waits on messages from the incoming connection, then processes them and, if necessary, passes them to the runtime. Returns ------- """ self._state = 'listening' while self._state != 'disconnected': sender_id, msg = await recv_async() await self.process_msg(sender_id, msg) if msg.method == 'stop': break
[docs] async def process_msg(self, sender_id, msg): """ Process a received message to decide what to do with it. Parameters ---------- sender_id : str UID of the remote endpoint. msg : Message Message object. Returns ------- """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return runtime = self._runtime method = getattr(runtime, msg.method, False) comms_method = getattr(self, msg.method, False) await self.beat(sender_id) if msg.method.startswith('raise') or msg.method.startswith('stop'): call = else: call = self.call_safe async with self.send_exception(sender_id): if msg.method not in self._comms_methods: if method is False: raise AttributeError('Class %s does not have method %s' % (runtime.__class__.__name__, msg.method)) if not callable(method): raise ValueError('Method %s of class %s is not callable' % (msg.method, runtime.__class__.__name__)) if method is not False: if msg.cmd is not None: msg.kwargs['cmd'] = msg.cmd future =, sender_id, method, msg.reply, **msg.kwargs) if comms_method is not False and future is not None: try: await future except asyncio.CancelledError: pass if comms_method is not False and msg.method in self._comms_methods:, sender_id, comms_method, False, **msg.kwargs)
[docs] async def call(self, sender_id, method, reply, **kwargs): """ Run method in the loop. Parameters ---------- sender_id : str UID of the remote endpoint. method : callable Method to execute reply : False or str Whether a reply is needed and, if so, the UID of the reply. kwargs : optional Keyword arguments for the method. Returns ------- """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return args = (sender_id,) try: await, *args, **kwargs) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass
[docs] async def call_safe(self, sender_id, method, reply, **kwargs): """ Run method in the loop, and within an exception handler that will process exceptions and send them back to the sender. Parameters ---------- sender_id : str UID of the remote endpoint. method : callable Method to execute reply : False or str Whether a reply is needed and, if so, the UID of the reply. kwargs : optional Keyword arguments for the method. Returns ------- """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return args = (sender_id,) async with self.send_exception(sender_id): future =, *args, **kwargs) if future is None: return result = await future if reply is not False: await self.send_async(sender_id, method='reply', uid=reply, result=result)
[docs] async def send_async(self, send_uid, *args, **kwargs): """ Send message to ``sender_id`` with given arguments and keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- send_uid : str UID of the remote runtime. args : tuple, optional Any arguments for the message. kwargs : optional Keyword arguments for the method. Returns ------- Reply or None Depending on whether a reply is expected or not. """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return return await self._send_any(send_uid, *args, **kwargs, sync=False)
[docs] async def cmd_async(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Send command with given arguments and keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- args : tuple, optional Any arguments for the message. kwargs : optional Keyword arguments for the method. Returns ------- Reply or None Depending on whether a reply is expected or not. """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return return await self._cmd_any(*args, **kwargs, sync=False)
[docs] async def send_pubsub_async(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Send message to ``sender_id`` with given arguments and keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- args : tuple, optional Any arguments for the message. kwargs : optional Keyword arguments for the method. Returns ------- Reply or None Depending on whether a reply is expected or not. """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return return await self._send_any(*args, **kwargs, sync=False, pubsub=True)
[docs] async def cmd_pubsub_async(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Send command with given arguments and keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- args : tuple, optional Any arguments for the message. kwargs : optional Keyword arguments for the method. Returns ------- Reply or None Depending on whether a reply is expected or not. """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return return await self._cmd_any(*args, **kwargs, sync=False, pubsub=True)
[docs] async def recv_async(self): """ Wait for received message from the inbound socket. Returns ------- str Sender UID. Message Received message. """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return return await self._recv_any(sync=False)
[docs] async def recv_pubsub_async(self): """ Wait for received message from the inbound pub-sub socket. Returns ------- str Sender UID. Message Received message. """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return return await self._recv_any(sync=False, pubsub=True)
[docs] async def send_recv_async(self, send_uid, *args, **kwargs): """ Send message to ``sender_id`` with given arguments and keyword arguments, and then wait for the reply. Parameters ---------- send_uid : str UID of the remote runtime. args : tuple, optional Any arguments for the message. kwargs : optional Keyword arguments for the method. Returns ------- object Result of the reply """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return return await self._send_recv_any(send_uid, *args, **kwargs, sync=False)
[docs] async def cmd_recv_async(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Send command with given arguments and keyword arguments, and then wait for the reply. Parameters ---------- args : tuple, optional Any arguments for the message. kwargs : optional Keyword arguments for the method. Returns ------- object Result of the reply """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return return await self._cmd_recv_any(*args, **kwargs, sync=False)
[docs] @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def send_exception(self, uid): """ Context manager that handles exceptions by sending them back to the ``uid``. Parameters ---------- uid : str Remote UID. Returns ------- """ try: yield except Exception: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() tb = tblib.Traceback(tb) await self.send_async(uid, method='raise_exception', exc=(et, ev, tb)) finally: pass
[docs] async def connect(self, sender_id, uid, address, port, notify=False): """ Create and connect outbound connection for a remote runtime, with a given address and port. Parameters ---------- uid : str Remote UID. address : str Remote address. port : int Remote port. notify : bool, optional Whether or not to notify others of a new connection, defaults to False. Returns ------- """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return self.connect_send(uid, address, port) if notify is True: await self.send_pubsub_async(method='connect', uid=uid, address=address, port=port)
[docs] async def wait_for(self, uid): """ Wait until remote endpoint has connected. Parameters ---------- uid : str Remote UID. Returns ------- """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return while not self.shaken(uid) and uid != self._runtime.uid: await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
[docs] async def disconnect(self, sender_id, uid, notify=False): """ Disconnect a remote endpoint. Parameters ---------- sender_id : str Sender UID. uid : str Remote UID to disconnect. notify : bool, optional Whether or not to notify others of the disconnection, defaults to False. Returns ------- """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return if uid in self._send_conn.keys(): self._send_conn[uid].disconnect() if notify is True: for connected_id, connection in self._send_conn.items(): if connection.state == 'disconnected': continue await self.send_async(connected_id, method='disconnect', uid=uid) if 'node' in uid and uid in self._runtime._nodes: node_index = self._runtime._nodes[uid].indices[0] for worker in self._runtime.workers: if worker.indices[0] == node_index: await self.disconnect(sender_id, worker.uid, notify=notify)
[docs] async def handshake(self, uid, address, port, pubsub_port=None): """ Start handshake with remote ``uid``, located at a certain ``address`` and ``port``. Parameters ---------- uid : str Remote UID. address : str Remote address. port : int Remote port. pubsub_port : int, optional Publishing port. Returns ------- """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return validate_address(address, port) if pubsub_port is not None: validate_address(address, pubsub_port) self.connect_send(uid, address, port) if pubsub_port is not None: self.connect_pubsub(uid, address, pubsub_port) self._runtime.connect(uid, uid, address, port) # zmq.ROUTER messages will be dropped if endpoint not yet connected await asyncio.sleep(0.1) await self.send_async(uid, method='hand', address=self.address, port=self.port) while True: try: sender_id, response = await asyncio.wait_for(self.recv_async(), timeout=60) if (uid == sender_id and response.method == 'shake') or self.shaken(uid): break except asyncio.TimeoutError: await self.send_async(uid, method='hand', address=self.address, port=self.port) self._send_conn[uid].shake() if pubsub_port is not None: self._pubsub_conn.shake() await self.shake(sender_id, **response.kwargs) await, sender_id, **response.kwargs)
[docs] async def hand(self, sender_id, address, port): """ Handle incoming handshake. Parameters ---------- sender_id : str Remote UID. address : str Remote address. port : int Remote port. Returns ------- """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return self.connect_send(sender_id, address, port) # zmq.ROUTER messages will be dropped if endpoint not yet connected await asyncio.sleep(0.1) network = {} if self._runtime.uid == 'monitor': for connected_id, connection in self._send_conn.items(): network[connected_id] = (connection.address, connection.port) await self.send_async(sender_id, method='shake', network=network, reply=False) self._send_conn[sender_id].shake() if self._runtime.uid == 'monitor': await self.send_pubsub_async(method='connect', uid=sender_id, address=address, port=port)
[docs] async def shake(self, sender_id, network): """ Handle confirmation of complete handshake. Parameters ---------- sender_id : str Remote UID. network : dict Existing topology of connected sockets. Returns ------- """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return for uid, address in network.items(): if self.shaken(uid): continue self.connect_send(uid, *address) if uid in self._send_conn: self._send_conn[uid].shake()
[docs] async def heart(self, sender_id): """ Received ``heart`` message, respond with ``beat``. Parameters ---------- sender_id : str Remote UID. Returns ------- """ if self._state == 'disconnected' or 'node' not in self._runtime.uid: return await self.send_async(sender_id, method='beat')
[docs] async def beat(self, sender_id): """ Received ``beat`` message, the remote endpoint is alive. Parameters ---------- sender_id : str Remote UID. Returns ------- """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return if sender_id not in self._send_conn.keys(): return await self._send_conn[sender_id].beat()
[docs] async def stop(self, sender_id): """ Stop the CommsManager. Parameters ---------- sender_id : str Remote UID. Returns ------- """ if self._state == 'disconnected': return self._listen_future.cancel() if self._pubsub_future is not None: self._pubsub_future.cancel() self.disconnect_send() self.disconnect_recv() self._state = 'disconnected'
def _send_any(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._state == 'disconnected': return sync = kwargs.pop('sync', False) pubsub = kwargs.pop('pubsub', False) if pubsub: conn = self._pubsub_conn else: send_uid = args[0] args = args[1:] if len(args) > 1 else () if send_uid == self._runtime.uid: conn = self._circ_conn else: if send_uid not in self._send_conn.keys(): raise KeyError('Endpoint %s is not connected' % send_uid) conn = self._send_conn[send_uid] def send_sync(): return conn.send_sync(*args, **kwargs) async def send_async(): return await conn.send_async(*args, **kwargs) if sync: return send_sync() else: return send_async() def _cmd_any(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._state == 'disconnected': return sync = kwargs.pop('sync', False) cmd = { 'type': kwargs.pop('type'), 'uid': kwargs.pop('uid'), 'method': kwargs.pop('method'), 'args': kwargs.pop('args', ()), 'kwargs': kwargs.pop('kwargs', {}), } def cmd_sync(): return self.send(*args, method='cmd', cmd=cmd, **kwargs) async def cmd_async(): return await self.send_async(*args, method='cmd', cmd=cmd, **kwargs) if sync: return cmd_sync() else: return cmd_async() def _recv_any(self, sync=False, pubsub=False): if self._state == 'disconnected': return None, None if pubsub: conn = self._pubsub_conn else: conn = self._recv_conn def recv_sync(): sender_id, msg = conn.recv_sync() return sender_id, msg async def recv_async(): sender_id, msg = await conn.recv_async() return sender_id, msg if sync: return recv_sync() else: return recv_async() def _send_recv_any(self, send_uid, *args, **kwargs): if self._state == 'disconnected': return sync = kwargs.pop('sync', False) def send_recv_sync(): if send_uid == self._runtime.uid: future = self._circ_conn.send_sync(*args, reply=True, **kwargs) else: if send_uid not in self._send_conn.keys(): raise KeyError('Endpoint %s is not connected' % send_uid) future = self._send_conn[send_uid].send_sync(*args, reply=True, **kwargs) return future async def send_recv_async(): if send_uid == self._runtime.uid: future = await self._circ_conn.send_async(*args, reply=True, **kwargs) else: if send_uid not in self._send_conn.keys(): raise KeyError('Endpoint %s is not connected' % send_uid) future = await self._send_conn[send_uid].send_async(*args, reply=True, **kwargs) return await future if sync: return send_recv_sync() else: return send_recv_async() def _cmd_recv_any(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._state == 'disconnected': return sync = kwargs.pop('sync', False) cmd = { 'type': kwargs.pop('type'), 'uid': kwargs.pop('uid'), 'method': kwargs.pop('method'), 'args': kwargs.pop('args', ()), 'kwargs': kwargs.pop('kwargs', {}), } def cmd_recv_sync(): future = self.send_recv(*args, method='cmd', cmd=cmd, **kwargs) return future async def cmd_recv_async(): future = await self.send_recv_async(*args, method='cmd', cmd=cmd, **kwargs) return future if sync: return cmd_recv_sync() else: return cmd_recv_async()